NBN Router/Wireless Set up for Two Storey House

Hey All,

I'm looking for some affordable suggestions for NBN router to provide wireless over two storeys.

Current set up is Netcomm N300 modem router down stairs providing down stairs wireless. Ethernet connecting it to my old ADLS modem router (Billion 7800N) providing upstairs wireless (as Netcomm doesn't cover whole house). The connection to Billion is suboptimal as devices can take forever to get IP address and I don't think this set up can be tweaked to avoid this.

I was looking at Net Gear AC 3000 which looks like it would work but seems a bit pricey.

Tenda Nova MW3 seems like an option but router doesn't seem very configurable for thinks like wireless channel, QoS if these were required.

I have NBN 12.5/1. Would love to upgrade to faster but can't justify the cost at this point.



I am pretty sure I have fibre to the home.


  • I would assume the OP is running FTTN? Would be great if you tell us what NBN technology you are using.

    • I'm pretty sure it is fibre to the home.

  • What is NBM?

    • George Brandis' National Broadband Metadata.

    • Nil by mouth.
      Sorry fixed

  • To be sure what you have, is there a box on the wall with 4 LAN ports and 2 phone ports, or does it come over your phone line? I'm assuming it isn't HFC/Cable

    • box on wall with phone and lan ports.

  • Instead of getting a router get a mesh network like the three unit google it costs a bit of money but it is worth iit all you need is a modem.

  • devices can take forever to get IP address and I don't think this set up can be tweaked to avoid this

    My guess is that you have misconfigured your network or there is a hardware failure. Obtaining IP addresses should be quick and easy in a LAN.

  • provide wireless over two storeys.

    Look into the mesh products like googles mesh system or Ubiquiti AmpliFi Mesh setup or one of the various others popping up

  • +1

    What if you get one of those powerline Wifi devices?
    They basically rebroadcast your Wifi network.

    Here's how it works:
    Router/Modem -> Powerline adapter downstairs connected to the Router/Modem via ethernet -> Upstairs Wifi powerline adapter -> Rebroadcasts downstairs network upstairs using the same SSID -> Connect to that rebroadcasted network using the everything from the main network, including DHCP

    I've used powerline networking for quite a while and there is a very little speed drop.

    • Powerlines adapters are awesome. Cost as little as $70 for a starter kit, and easy to setup and configure.

      I use one to hard wire the tv and accessories in combination with a network switch. Then I have one going to an outside room which has wireless features (this is a different brand and is still compatible).

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