6 months ago I purchased Samsung srf719dls fridge
It is now screaming to have the water filter to be replaced.
Consider we have a good water tap quality in AU (Melbourne specifically), do you think I can wing it not to replace it?
6 months ago I purchased Samsung srf719dls fridge
It is now screaming to have the water filter to be replaced.
Consider we have a good water tap quality in AU (Melbourne specifically), do you think I can wing it not to replace it?
Wing it as in totally remove the filter? In theory should be no different to drinking tap water, assuming the quality of the piping is on par with what houses have.
No, leave the filter there… :)
Should be fine if you continuously use the fridge and you find that the water flow does not slow down.
However if you go on holidays for > 2 weeks and not use the water function in the fridge, the water is going to remain stagnant in the filter and could be a potential environment for bacteria/fungus/mould to grow.
it all preys on your peace of mind ….
Just get your water from a tap. derp
I keep 3 L glass bottles in the fridge if I ever want cold water.
If you have a fridge with a water dispenser and the plumbing there then why not use it?
true. I'll always be a tap person.
Username checks out
agree :)
I would never use
Ok, but would you buy a fridge with a plumber water dispenser?
@tomsco: Yes, because it has a supa-super-magic filter, not bigger than the size of a large hot-dog, that will convert all that toxic, polluted, undrinkable, contaminated tap water into a the purest of the purest of all uncontaminated waters in the known and unknown universe.
It also filters the water that makes the ice, which is better filtered, in my opinion.
4 pack of samsung compatible filters $51.96 delivered with code PLUSMORE on ebay
feedback for the item is pretty good too.
You don't know whats in them. I just use a bypass.
hopefully is ok. my change filter red light has been flashing for 3 years now…
Lol…that's a long time….thanks for your input
Ps…there is a button to clear the red light, at least not too embarrassing if you have friend come over
My freezer and fridge have the joining kit and the freezer filter is on the back of the cabinet
I’m not changing that… (maybe in a few years when we mop under the fridge)
My fridge came with a bypass, that's what's fitted out of the factory. You install it and the water just goes straight to the dispenser. I bought the filters a couple of times for $90 each but I have been using the bypass for about 10 years without an issue. If you drink tap water in winters you'll be fine.
Its called water filter bypass plug.
Thanks for the link!
Any reason why you buy the filters a couple of times consider you've been using the bypass too? just peace of mind?
Also, I'm curious why drink tap water in winter is better than any other seasons?
I contacted the company and they said that model is not suitable with the AU model of the fridge…too bad :(
Interesting read, no wonder my colleague from TAS is rather healthier than most people in the office haha…
Survey run by ABC Hobart finds Tasmanians think they have the best drinking water.. no surprises there…
You should replace it, but not 6 monthly.
We have a few ice&water dispenser fridges in the family and they all pretty much recommended replacing the filter every 6 months. We purchased generic water filter and have it on hand, but only replace it when the water start to dispense slowly. Works well for us for >10yrs.
How long is the filter supposed to last??…have you asked Samsung?
Around 6 months according to the samsung site I've seen yesterday
My quick search says a new filter is ~ $30 and the you tube vid shows its so easy to change over.
YES - get a new filter - it IS important to filter out all the nasties in our water AND the water tastes so much better!!!!
Our miele fridge doesn't have a filter and we haven't died yet!
The cost to replace these filters is around $30-$40 so it’s not that expensive. As others have posted just get a generic brand on eBay. Given the fridge probably cost well over $1000.00, it’s a small investment. In terms of how long it last depends on a few factors, mainly how often you dispense water?
I use the filter to remove the chlorine taste. Not having a filter may void your warranty if any pipes/ tubes get blocked due to possible mineral/calcium build up.
6 months does sound a bit short, we have a Westinghouse water/ ice maker and generally its good for 12 months and it’s heavily used.
Btw: if you have concerns about the generic brands, they appear fine. I cut one open recently, and you can see the crud that’s filtered out.
if your not going to replace the filter then you should take the filter out altogether (which is what I would do).
The filter replacement alarm is most likely just a timer set to however often samsung want to get some more money off you.
6 months. That's how often Samsung wants to get some more money off us.
yeah true I'm sure it is more like everyday but I guess they figure most people might think that is a scam.
Definitely critical, with my son its only bottled water or boiled! I can't convince him that tap water is fine so a filter saves me money! ….. whether its any better than tap water, I have no idea but the placebo effect is alive and well in my home.
Used the first filter for about 3-4 years. Tasted fine.
My plumber said "change the filter when the flow drops off" 18 months so far and flowing like day one
I generally use water filters for twice to three times as long as the stated life. It's a huge lie designed to take your $$.
I can't believe people (like my husband) actually drink water straight from the tap, the taste! Yuck!
Excuse fellows with an slightly off-topic (but related) comment:
Being "suggested" to buy a CongaCongaConga Kangen Water System, "don't bother" said my health conscious friend, "get Icelandic bottled water instead" …
Checked prices and the local bottle-shop sells Icelandic Premium water at $54 per liter …
So, this may indicate there is a bunch of people out there that yes, will replace filters (and pipes and anything else) as often as possible.
Just search for your fridge model online, find the manual and reset the filter warning. I literally just did this to my fisher and paykel yesterday. Just had to hold 2 buttons down for 5 seconds…
Basically your water filter will be fine it's just the fridge companies evil tactic to make you spend more money on their products!
Melboure - water tastes fine and not too hard. No need to filter. No different to drinking it out of the tap. Other states are different obviously.
I have the LG dispensing fridge and never installed the filter. The ice has a greater chance of being tainted by the freezer smells (when it sits in the ice cabinet) than from the tap water itself.
Need some insight here…Bought a refurbished Samsung fridge that has water/ice dispenser, havent used it for past year but decided to connect it this weekend, now the water and ice have a weird smell/taste (sour/off) and the ice is not clear (white core) any tips?
I swapped mine for an inline filter from ebay works out to about $15 every 6 months the f&p ones cost a fortune.
Canberra here, exceptional drinking water, very soft and pure. filter is a waste of money here.
If I lived somewhere like Adelaide or Perth I'd definitely be filtering it.
See if you can taste the difference between the filtered water and refrigerated tap water.
If you notice the difference, and prefer the filtered water, then the change the filter.
Ok, I’m well placed to answer this.
Don’t ignore it or you will end up like me. We also have a samsung fridge, we used the same logic & ignored it. 4 weeks ago the filter blew apart & flooded the house !
He’s what they don’t tell you, your fridge works fine without one. After mopping up & locating a few part (the half a filter was stuck solid) we have a perfectly working.
So please, remove it now :)
I have a Samsung fridge too (different model). I ignore it for a couple of weeks and then replace it with a generic brand. No issues with generic brand so far :)
The carbon filter in your fridge is only to improve the taste. If you're happy with the taste of tap water don't bother with a new filter. You'll need to remove the existing filter eventually though or it will clog up.
Sorry to revive an old thread but I've a really silly question that I could do with help with please.
I've a 4 door Samsung refrigerator. The refrigerator pools water by every morning, it even though it is NOT connected to a water supply.
Does anybody know where this water leak could be coming from?
I think it comes from the cylindrical water filter which is in it's slot between the crispers. But I still don't understand how, when the refrigerator isn't connected to a water supply.
I'm reluctant to replace the water filter if I'm not using the water filter to filter water.
Many thanks
Sorry, best contact Samsung support for this
Possible blocked drain under the evaporator which could be a defrost problem.
Short term yes
Long term it could start tasting bad and or growing bacteria on it