Just found this on my facebook feed
Samples are only available while stock lasts and will be sent at the end of each week.
Please allow for standard mail turnaround times of 1-2 weeks.
Free Gold Standard 100% Isolate Sample

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I don't use stuff like this, but it's free so I'll give it a go. Or give it to someone who will use it.
Why isnt this on ON's official website?
is this setup just to farm personal information lol
is this setup just to farm personal information lol
of course it is, thats the whole deal with these give all your info for a "free" sample.
that and to give you a taste before you buy a tonne of it, drug dealers use the same method. give people a bit of meth and then when they are hooked they go back to them and get more.
Only difference is the drug dealers product works.
ok, so if you are weight training, please cease all Protein consumption from now on and let's see how that works out.
heck, it probably won't fare too well, even if you're not (weight training)
@nismo: Lol, for most people eating enough of the right foods is enough - unless you are training full time
@WhyAmICommenting: Ah yes, I want to eat enough chicken breasts for 180g of protein every day of the week. You're claiming a protein supplement DOESN'T work, when it very clearly does.
@Jasonissm: I never said it doesn't work. Obviously, enough protein is essential for significant muscle growth.
@WhyAmICommenting: People take supplements because it's easy. Yes, you can achieve the same protein without the supplement but it's less convenient and harder when you're cutting/shredding (need to consume lower calories and high protein). And the product works, it's protein, not steroids, you're not going to get jacked or start lifting heavier because of it, it's a dietary supplement lol.
@WhyAmICommenting: Don't need to be training 'full time' to get benefits from protein..
A lot of it is just convenient when weight training, sure you can get enough protein from whole foods.. But it requires a lot more planning depending on what you're aiming for
Huh? Protein doesn't 'work'?
Doesn't say how large sample is
It would almost certainly be a sachet that is the equivalent of one scoop / serving.
How large is a serving?
It's a FREE sample.
What size?
That's good, because I'd be even unhappier not knowing the size if I needed to pay.
And what are you charging for this FREE sample?
Website succumbed to the ozbargain hug of death
If you're lactose intolerant, I suggest you stay away from ON.
You are saying Stay off ON even though there is offer on ON?
probably stay away from dairy and every other byproduct that has lactose.
You should get your protein from Whole foods. Eggs, Almonds, Meats (Chicken, Beef) Broccoli and loads more. Whole foods always.
Its a supplement mate, not a food replacement.
I agree but many think protein=muscle even without excercise.
Im trying to cut down on meats and eggs. I love both and need them for weight gain (muscle) but long term effects are not great. supplement with WPC is a good idea and is cheaper than drinking milk.
Don't tell me what to do
Thought it was offering a free sample of gold for a second.
me too haha
While the picture is a large 1 kg container, the free sample will most likely be a single 30g serve.
A few of the larger companies have free samples similar to this.
It's a bit dodgy in the ad. They show the large contain in the picture, but don't tell you what the sample size is.
So people could be confused into thinking they are getting a free 1kg container (worth $20-30) rather than a single serve worth about 75c. It's worth giving your details for $30 worth of product, but is it for 75c?
its not for 75c. its for the gains.
For me its I hope I can try a new flavour
Better take them to ACCC!!
Mate, it’s a sample. A sample of the product in the image. If anyone gets worked up over that then they must not be able to live a very fulfilling life
Anyone standing up for their rights to get a single serve of protein supplement for free must have a very fulfilled life !
Thanks mate!
All out
And they're out of samples! Probably ozbargain-ed.
Just received mine from filling out the form a week or so ago. Standard 31g serving packet https://imgur.com/a/WZGSe4Y