This was posted 5 years 11 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off High-Fidelity Earplugs for Concerts & Musicians ($24.95 Per Pair) + Free Shipping @ LVCHLD



Unsurpassed clarity
Protects up to -20dB - equal sound reduction across the spectrum of hearing
Richness of music is preserved; speech remains clear, just quieter
Low profile design

LVCHLD earplugs feature a low-profile, stem-less design that sits snugly in the outer ear without protruding. The earplugs come with a small, flexible pull tab that allows for easy removal and a custom aluminium waterproof cary case.


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closed Comments

  • Anyone tried these? Can't see much online about them.

  • +2
  • They look EXACTLY like what I use to mow my lawn except in clear silicone rather than coloured and with a hole down the middle - seems they just let less noise in via having that small hole.

  • +4

    They look EXACTLY the same as these but with a logo on the box…

    • +1

      wow…I agree

    • -2

      Hi wikiwiki,

      Thanks for the post. However these are actually different. Whilst they look similar they have a completely different filter and attenuator.


      • Proof? You can tell from the picture without physically comparing them?

        • -1

          Yes I can because we have tested these thoroughly as part of our product research.

  • +4

    Hey OP, if you have any contact with the developers of these, can I make a suggestion?
    The market lacks an earplug that's weak.

    The lowest level of sound reduction is from Earasers, or what I use, the Pacato 16 (16db).
    Where is the 12db? or even 9db rated earplug?

    I want to be able to go to a concert and still say "wow that's loud!" while being at LESS risk of hearing damage.

    I know all the companies out there are focused on making loud things safe, nearly limitlessly, but what about those who want a near unmodified sound and say "1 hour" of relatively safe exposure?

    So that would be somewhere around 105db depending if you're following NIOSH (94…..) or OHSA standards.

    For anyone who's wondering, Pacato 16's are REALLY good and VERY cheap, the sound is ALMOST unmodified, but you DO still get that 'talking in your own head' when you sing along or talk to someone.

    • Hi MasterScythe,

      We can certainly have them made in lower attenuation and that is something we will look into for sure. We are producers and musicians ourselves and find that -20db is a good average protection while still being able to enjoy the event for a few hours. But definitely a good point you make there.

      Thank you.

      • +1

        I curently own near every pair of commonly available, off the shelf, "high fidelity" earplugs.

        If you make some, whos attenuation curve are flatter than the picato 16's, and also less attenuation overall; id happily give an unbias review.

        Just for the record, this is what you're trying to beat.…

        The earasers are better again (MUCH flatter curve) but at double the price, its in a different league than most people are willing to buy, imo.

        Those are about $30aud delivered.

        • Yes indeed ACS is a very reputable brand and have used in the past for our custom moulded earplugs.

  • If anyone is serious about their hearing, and wear these a lot - the best thing I ever did was get custom moulds done. Set me back $90, but they're extremely comfortable, and sound amazing. I wish I'd just gone and done it from the get go, rather than going through all these universal brands.

    For those interested, 'Musicians Hearsaver' are the ones I went for (around $90 including the mould appointment), but I'm sure there are even cheaper ones out there. You won't regret it.…

    • Interesting. How long do they last before you need to replace them? Do you wash them after use? Does the attenuation level stay the same after multiple uses? How is the the sound compared to foam plugs? Which attenuation level ones do you have? I have been using foam ear plugs for many years.

      • +1

        I've had mine for 2 years no worries. I have probably washed them properly once every few months, I'll give them a quick wipe down with paper towel every couple of wears. Sound is about 1000% better, much more of an accurate sound, and I'm much happier wearing them than foamies.

        I got 15db, but I believe you can get them switched afterwards for a fee. Technically speaking 15db would not quite be enough to fully protect your hearing, but I opted for these so that I'm comfortable leaving them in for the whole night, rather than in-and-out. Personal preference.

    • $90? WOW. The audiologist appointment alone was more expensive than that when I got fitted for my Etymotic ER9's. I paid >$300 a few years ago. How you you feel about yours? Any comments on the occlusion? (sound of voice in your head)

      • Haven't even given a thought to occlusion, but it feels pretty natural to me. Nothing off-putting or anything!

    • Available in minus 10's?!

      Id love to see a frequency curve…. Because that sounds ideal for concerts.

      Where you accept that its a once in a lifetime event, and you want it to be loud, and are willing to take a little risk.

      But want to maybe prevent, or extremely minimise the risk :)

      • I have the -15db's, to be honest I still get that kind of a vibe! I should have opted for higher ones for hearing's sake, but I figured I'd be in the same boat as you with the temptation to take them out occasionally. I'm better off feeling comfortable keeping them in the whole time, and feel like I'm not missing out on anything.

    • it sounds like HearingPro made a price error. The 'Musicians Hearsaver' wholesale around $150, while other custom ear plugs retail around $90. You'd better call for a definite price if you want 'Musicians Hearsaver', given this company…

      • I went through my local audiologist about 2 years ago, so perhaps pricing could have changed in this time?
        These are the first custom moulds I've had - and I'm sure there are plenty of options out there. Not necessarily advocating for these ones in particular, (but I've been a happy customer). Just advocating for custom moulds in general.

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