Just tried to book 3 tickets on Hoyts through Optus Perks and this image popped up "Optus Ticket Allocation Exhausted". Tried a few different session and none worked. Why do they even have this partnership if people don't get to choose what movie they can watch?
Hoyts Optus Ticket Allocations

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You're aware that not all tickets will be eligible for offers or discounted rates, right? Same applies to flights etc.
It's an artificial restriction though. It doesn't need to be in place, and it didn't used to be.
It’s not an artificial restriction. Optus have a certain allocation of discounted tickets from the vendor. Once X number are sold, they’re gone.
Why do they even have this partnership if people don't get to choose what movie they can watch?
I've never had any issues like that…… Always been tickets free via optus
I know. This is the first time it happened for me.
Hope its just a 'bug' and not a new 'feature'
HOYTS Movie Tickets and LUX Tickets may be
purchased at the Optus Perks prices for any available session at any
participating HOYTS cinema until the Optus Perks ticket allocation is
exhausted.Once the Optus Perks ticket allocation is exhausted, you may
purchase HOYTS Movie Tickets at HOYTS’ standard prices subject to HOYTS’
availability of tickets for that sessionhttps://www.optusperks.com.au/Hoyts_Terms_and_Conditions.pdf
@ozhunter: Oh wow….. Didn't know that.
Wonder if they have reduced the Optus Perks ticket allocations recently? As I've never had any issues in the past or maybe the OP just got unlucky.
@JimmyF: Same happened to me Friday night.
The cinema session was 3/4 empty when I looked at normal priced tickets@dasher86: Really looks like they have reduced the seats. Never had issues in the past even on new releases etc. Oh well.
I did notice recently they started to charge a booking fee that they never use to charge either.
@JimmyF: They probably change it according to expected demand - newer releases, (expected) blockbusters, certain nights, etc.
Ive recently moved my cinema going to Village. Have found their prices much better. As a V Rewards member all my tix are $15. Get good rewards and they even sent me some free tix for the kids this month. Will not evn bother renewing my hoyts rewards this year after about 5-6 years. Gonna use up my points that i have on cards and let them go. The free tix they offered are now only valid for 3 months and if i recall correctly only for certain movies now. Not worth he asking price imo.
No recliner seat though. Not even comparable.
For me, im not gonna be dragged into this offer something to entice me back but then jack up prices. Sure recliners are nice but i can live without them. Can barely get tix under $20 now. A few years back i was able to see a movie at my local Hoyts for $10-12 on a Sunday and Tuesday. Now its minimum $16. For $15 i get Vmax and Atmos. I know which one i will go for.
I'm lucky I've got Reading down the road from me. $16 for recliner sesh or $24.50 for gold class. Give me recliners over vmax seats any day lol (though the vmax screen is noice)
I've had this problem, usually for a popular movie, first few days of release, at a popular session time, close to starting time. I first saw this message on Boxing Day 2018. It should be ok though if you book far enough ahead.
Captain Marvel?
I've been using Optus Perks (previously 'Yes Rewards') to buy Hoyts tickets for a couple of years now.
I had never, ever, received an "Allocation Exhausted" message until this month. I have now received 3 across 3 different days I looked at going to the movies. None of the sessions were any more than 1/4 full.
It certainly looks like they have either significantly reduced the number of tickets available to Optus Perks member. Or more people are now using Optus Perks. I'm a pessimist, so I'm leaning towards the former.
I understand that things change over time, but this one really bites.
Yeah, pretty useless.
Came here to find more info.
Had my mate book tickets for me as he's Optus, got no seating allocation available.
So I booked full price, 3/4 of the seats are free.
Im Telstra, and never had a problem booking a new movie through their discount program with EventCinemass
Because things sell out.