Sorry for the odd subject title.
I'm trying to short list cars that have very large interiors relative to their exterior.
Every car has exterior measurements, but I haven't found any car specs that detail the interior measurements, otherwise I think I could figure out a basic interior volume : exterior volume ratio.
I think if the ratios for different cars were arranged over a basic graph, maybe exterior space (less at the bottom, more at the top) could be on the Y axis, and interior space (less on the left, more on the right) could be on the X axis.
- So something like a Ford Transit, with a very large exterior and very large interior, would be toward the upper right corner.
- A Nissan Navara (I drove a 2014 4x4ST once) has a large exterior and small interior (passenger cabin), would be in the upper left corner.
- A Mazda MX5 has a small exterior and tiny interior, so it would be in the lower left corner…
- But what would go in the lower right corner..?
What has a relatively large interior and small exterior?
I was thinking maybe things like the Nissan Cube and Kia Soul… but is there anything a bit better looking? Even if it costs a more?
But regardless of looks and price, does anyone have any other cars to list?
PS; by interior space I mean the enclosed cabin space for passengers, not the back of a ute etc
PPS; I always thought a Ford Territory would be great, cos they don't look as bad as a Nissan Cube and the interior must be huge. But then the exterior is huge as well. I don't mind the Honda Jazz, which is small on the outside and cheap to run. But the interior is too small. So I think an ideal car would be as small as a Jazz on the outside, and as large as a Territory on the inside…
I used my Lancer hatch to move from Melbourne to Perth and then back again. Sure, it couldn't fit a whole house inside. But it sure carried a lot!