Optus Post-Paid Handset Repayment Price Drops Effective Fri 6/5/11

Welcome to another edition of Phone Leakz

First off… anyone still keen on an iPhone 4 on Optus?
On Friday (6/5/11) the handset repayment on the 16gb iPhone 4 will be reduced from the current $8 extra per month on the $59 Optus Cap to $0.
This matches the intial aggressive pricing Optus had when the iPhone 4 came out. if your still keen for an iPhone hold out for a few days more…

In other news, 2 other price drops on Friday:

Nokia N8 $0 repayment on the $29 Optus Cap
Samsung Galaxy S $0 repayment on the $29 Optus Cap

And in non-leak related news, anyone keen on Android and HTC should check out the HTC Incredible S. Just started this month on Optus and is $0 extra on the $49 Optus Cap. I had a good go of one yesterday and really liked it, takes a good pic with the 8MP camera and dual flash and is running Android 2.3 with HTC Sence.

Until next time…



  • +1

    HTC Incredible is free on the $39 Cap with Virgin..
    BUT be warned that the Bootloader is locked and currently not cracked so you're currently unable to flash community ROMs.

    Galaxy S Free on $29 Cap is amazing value!

    • Galaxy S Free on $29 Cap is amazing value!

      Darn tootin, time to get the missus a new phone methinks! ;)

      • if you love your wife you wouldnt get her the phone

        • LOL, ok I'll bite…why not? ;)

        • +1

          coz 10bucks more you get HTC Incredible S and the 39cap is alot better…

        • Actually jasecs, that's some pretty good thinking, thanks!

          With the 3 months free for buying online, that makes the difference over 24 months just $123! Very tempting indeed!!!

          What is Virgin like as a telco?

        • +2

          add $30 on top if you get referred. Any Virgins here willing to part with their referral codes ;)

        • virgin is optus reseller, if you after optus plan but cheaper, try virgin,tpg,liveconnected.they are all using optus network.

          i dont know how good their customer service is tho. i am once optus then vodafone,soon to be liveconnected:P

  • Any news on when the GS2 is gonna be dropping in on Optus? I'm holding off on a new contract for this…

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