This was posted 6 years 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] STEAM Endless Space 2 Digital Deluxe Edition for A $4.40 (A $54.95 on Steam) @ Humble Bundle


It is the full digital deluxe edition for $4.40 (less 10% for subscribers). Had a historical low of AUD$16+ before this…!!!!

Endless Space 2 will put you in the fascinating role of a leader guiding a civilization in making its first steps into the cold depths of interstellar space.

You will explore mysterious star systems, discover the secrets of ancient races, develop advanced technologies of unthinkable power, and, of course, encounter new life forms to understand, to court or to conquer.

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closed Comments

  • It’s showing as $4.40AU?

    • +1

      Probably 10% off due to a Humble Bundle Monthly subscriber.

  • Does it actually work though when you register it in Steam?

    • +1

      Your right, im a subscriber so it gave me -10%…I'll fix the header…Still has an ITAD of $16+

      And Yes, i now have the game from this deal….

      • +1

        What about his left? ;P

    • +3

      Comes up as Endless Space 2 in my Steam library with Endless Space 2 - Digital Deluxe Upgrade as a DLC.

      14466 MB Disk Space

      • I can confirm you do get the DLC with it. It's called the "Digital Deluxe Upgrade" and automatically is added once you install

        • For those looking for this, it is shown in the Steam game details page in your library. I can't see how to tell once in game though (menus/content area) - took me a bit to notice it.

  • Showing $4.40

  • +1

    I now have ES2 in my library according to steam, downloading now

  • +1

    It worked perfectly, cheers!

  • +2

    purchased, added to steam library, confirmed its the full edition.

  • +1

    Bargain! Bought and registered :)

  • +1

    Nice one. I had wallet credit so cost zip.

  • +1

    Thanks OP nice find.

    Not my style of game but for the price I'll pay and try it out :)

  • +1

    just bought, cheers mate

  • +1

    Awesome find! Thanks Op!

  • +1

    Bought. Thanks buddy!

  • +3

    Free Endless Space 2 Stories comic DLC. The other free DLCs are updates to the game and they are automatically downloaded and installed; there is no need to claim or install them manually.

  • +1

    Got it, thanks Op

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • +1

    Great game! Highly recommend to people who like Sid Meier's Civ games

  • ill give it ago sounds good in the description and most of the feedback is +ve

  • That's a great price!!

  • +2

    the fascinating role of a leader guiding a civilization in making its first steps into the cold depths of interstellar space.

    Reality: we can only get to one suitable planet and by suitable I mean it's barely hospitable to life and may be unsuitable anyway.

    • Which is why games, books and movies like this are so great! Escape reality for an hour or two.

  • Thank you OP!

  • Great price, but keep in mind that in the past Humble has revoked and refunded keys purchased through price errors.

    • -3

      I'd like to see them revoke it once you've redeemed the code on steam

      • Most recently it happened with Call of Cthulhu.

        Humble issued refunds and sent a list of keys back to the publisher to have them revoked on Steam.

  • hmm showing as 16.99usd for me

    • +1

      Still A$4.40 here

  • Thanks OP reviews seem ok

  • Looks like the Deluxe upgrade price has accidentally been applied to the full Deluxe version in AU region as we now have our own prices, Just got it and it added the full game + Deluxe DLC to Steam.

    Got a second key with 10% discount + 9.1% purchase credit from first order, bringing the second purchase down to A$3.56.

    This will likely be fixed soon, Please don't abuse it by buying more than 1 or 2, otherwise they will be more likely to revoke keys and refund.

    • Too bad that someone has decided to post it on reddit and get people to buy the Australian version through a vpn. This is more than likely going to be revoked

      • Yeah, I thought it best to just let some Australians get it over the last day on sale, those VPN users are going to make it more likely we get our game key revoked.

  • I bought it at AUD$3.96

    I still seeing it at that price

  • just purchased for $3.84 with the 10% subscriber discount, cheers!

  • Imperium Galactica 2K19

  • +1

    Argh, I want to buy this but I know I won't have time to play it (and all the other unplayed games in my library…).

    Here's a +1 anyway OP for a great deal. :)

  • thanks op great deal,

    I just bought it, is there anyway to confirm it is added to my steam account or to add it to my steam account?

    I do not have steam on this computer, and wont be able to access a computer with steam for a couple of days.


    • +1

      Did you click the Redeem button after you bought it?

      • +1

        I recommend redeeming via Steam website asap as the key might be pulled now that the Americans know about it and are using Australian VPN.

        • -1

          Good thing about it all being 3rd party and redeem keys is they can’t pull the stuff that stores like Microsoft do.

          I bought the Darksiders bundle months ago that incorrectly bundled darksider 3 with Darksiders 1+2 for $20. Figured, why not, might get some credit or something when it’s corrected. Next day, without any notification they removed Darksiders 3 from my library and I then had to go through a fairly long winded telephone conversation to get it refunded.

          • +1


            Good thing about it all being 3rd party and redeem keys is they can’t pull the stuff that stores like Microsoft do.

            That doesn't give you any protection here.

            All Humble needs to do is provide the publisher with a list of keys and the publisher can then mass revoke those through the Steamworks partner portal at the click of a button.


            If you look up past Humble price errors you'll find that this is exactly how they play out.

            • @HomeAlone: I don’t mean they can’t pull the keys. I mean subtly correct a price error without telling you. They aren’t in control of the store front so they have to deactivate the whole key, they can’t just swap products around like change it to the base game and don’t offer a refund.

          • @SlappersOnly: They absolutely can pull the keys, they have that power and it's happened with pricing errors on Humble before.

            • @Kozhutki: I don’t mean they can’t pull the keys. I mean subtly correct a price error without telling you. They aren’t in control of the store front so they have to deactivate the whole key, they can’t just swap products around like change it to the base game and don’t offer a refund.

      • +1

        ahh I did not realize that extra step, thanks to your brilliant help I just redeemed it :)

  • -1

    There's a pretty high chance these keys will be revoked, it's happened previously. Quite obviously a pricing error.

    • Almost 11 1/2 hours later the deal is still up. If it's a pricing error, Humble are not very good at staying on top of problems.

      • Perhaps their weekend staff can't do anything?

  • Thanks OP! Sounds like a perfect game for me.

  • Great find. Way below historical low according to is isthereanydeal. No point waiting another year for the complete edition , can use the savings to pick up any DLC on sales over that time.

  • Thank you OP

  • Feels very much like the first one, (identical) not sure why this is no two, never loved the combat in this game either… I’d certainly not pay for no 2 based on the couple of hours I played last night, it’s just to close to no one and I’m not sure what they are using the 14gb for either…

    • In 2, based on the reviews, combat is suppose to be much more automated and you just watch. For $4.40 I'll give it a try. If I get a refund, meh.

      • yeah, the other one you picked your strategy per phase and it made more of a difference. I gotta say im not loving it, but it was fine for 4.40.

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