Good Chromebook deals around?

My 10yr olds acer chromebook has finally died picked it up off here from an amazon deal a few yrs ago for $99 wondering if there’s any good deals around?


  • +9

    Search word Chromebook on the right top corner of this page, if deals expired visit those stores and search further.

    Compare with other websites, reviews. If you find good deals share them here.

  • +1

    Make sure you get one with a touchscreen - this'll allow you to use Android apps and the like in the future. I've got a handful of Acer C738T's that were about $420 delivered.

    The alternative (free) solution is to install Neverware's CloudReady Chrome OS onto an old laptop or desktop. Their personal version is free, and it's installed on every device I've tried it with - it'll even liveboot from your USB drive to test it out etc. You still get all the benefits on basically any used hardware (including live updates etc) rather than a new budget Chromebook.

  • Thank you!

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