Get Internet Celebrity Big Man Tyrone to say anything you want in a high res video. Could be for your business, a birthday, a love message, a congratulatory message or even to diss a friend! Massive discount for 48 hours.
$100 USD Video for USD $10 /~AUD $14 (90% off) @ Big Man Tyrone

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Will he make a happy retirement Pell video? Flava Flava style
Yes, in December last year.
@jv: jv's only interaction with the outside world is via OzBargain.
Of course he's unaware of the biggest news story, at the moment…
Lookout boys, we've got a theist!
You realise there is this thing called the internet?
Show me a link that says he's been convicted.
Not that he's been found guilty, but actually 'convicted' by a judge…
the truth is out there.
The truth is, until he is sentenced, he hasn't actually been convicted.
Regardless, all this is completely off topic to the deal being discussed.
Tristan is my main man. You know I'm saying? For real.
Any Buk Lau deal?
Sum booooooooooooodie.
I don’t know either.
Thanks, ordered one video! Anyone know how long they take?
It’s in the link
7 days
Actually, he mentions there are many options.
Do you think he would do a Hitler Was Right video?
Perverse, but have to say, rofl
Nationalism and eugenics, yes please.
He was a National Socialist.
Not sure why you got negged. The National Socialist German Workers' Party (the Nazi Party) was founded to draw workers away from communism. You can't get more far-right in practice. The slogan "Hitler was Right" is playing on the double meaning of "right", and in a very real sense, Hitler was Right, and not socialist.
Not sure why he got negged either. It was funny, if unPC.
That said, the international socialists were real chummy with the national socialists, including the CPA dockworkers sabotaging allied war materials on our docks, because they were against the capitalist west.
This was the way it was, barring competition fights over local power (you know, Splitters!), right up until 22 June 1941, when they suddenly discovered the national socialists were a lot more international in their outlook than the international socialists liked.On that day the nazis suddenly became right wing.
This was the origin of Orwell’s sly slogan that “we have always been at war with Eurasia”.
the national socialists were a lot more international in their outlook than the international socialists liked.
Nice line.
I dispute that the Nazis suddenly became right wing in 1942 with the invasion of the Soviet Union. The following is from a recent article by two Australian historians:
After fighting four elections between 1930 and 1933 on an anti-left and anti-Jewish platform that pledged to slay the mythical beast of "Judeo-Bolshevism," Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and made good on his promises to business and his voters to destroy socialism in Germany. Most of 1933 was spent persecuting socialists and communists, liquidating their parties, incarcerating and in numerous cases killing their leadership and rank-and-file members.
The whole article deserves a read.
@strangeloops66: like I said. Splitters. No one hates more than leftists. And they really hate being associated with the gross failures of the 20 th century. All varieties of socialism. Look at it as elimination of the competition, which this article cinflates with elimination of the Jews.. the attacks on competitor ideology doesn’t mean they are opposed to socialism, just those that aren’t their kind of socialism. That article is your garden variety defence of the indefensible, mixed in with a traditional lump of Murdoch bashing. So very ABC.
But don’t worry, I am sure next time, when true socialism is finally implemented, it will work. It really will.
Not the place for this type of conversation peeps…i want deal$ deal$ deal$… not a history lesson…ha
Well, it’s a quiet time bargains wise.
Might be because people are reading about too much history rather than hunting for bargains 😂
Its the middle of the day… go on facebook for political rants…
You want to spend money on stuff rather than acquire knowledge?
Hitler was a real Nazi
Hmmmm what to do this time?
Absolute quality
I get requests from round the world where they say ,Can you do that deal I saw on OZZY Bargains.. I love it
Someone do one for Scotty. I'll donate one eneloop
Give me some ideas on what to write and I'll do it
sorry no imagination
get tyrone to ask him if his refrigerator is running
Greetings cheeky scrubs
Tyrone?? Celebrity??
"Can you bring back that same promo we saw on Ozzie Bargains"
Huh? Who? Ok then… I'm also offering videos for weddings, pranking friends, funerals or your business…at a low cost of only $5! No birthday messages allowed!
who the hack is that
My students seem to know who this guy is and were very keen to get a message from him.
Done and done. Thanks for the link!
What did you get him to say? I'm thinking about getting some kind of "Welcome to Mr Puffinfresh's class" clip to play at the beginning of each semester, but I'm trying to think of something I could use more often.
I'm a house master and these kids (my house captains - 17/18 year olds) wanted something said about our House motto. The 13-16 year olds will cringe but the older kids will probably enjoy it at an ironic level. This generation is too bloody cynical.
This is perfect timing as they start to get the boys ready for the upcoming athletics carnival.
I need a life.
I just ordered two. A welcome one in the suit, and then a tongue in cheek one telling them off in the uniform.
Shame on you it you don't know big man Tyrone
ok lets be real here…… who actually ordered this? no memes
This has made my night. Thank you, Sir/Ma'am.
Internet Celebrity Big Man Tyrone really does have yellow hands…
Does he speak English?
Good day.
never heard of him
Now you have
Ordered the 3rd installment in the big man scotty series! Pumped it out in half an hour so fingers crossed it's good.
Do you choreograph his interspersed laughing?
Or is that just BMT?
Ordered on Saturday, Not sure how long will he take
One of mine just arrived :)
(Standard US$10 video)And my other one has arrived too. The first one was ok, the second one is brilliant. Easily worth the $14.
Aaaand here it is. Pumped it out in half an hour and was spur of the moment so not much thought put into the script.
That laugh is so evil lol..
I asked him to do an evil laugh but I never expected it to be that long and the wink at the end!
Congratulations on your 13th post OP!!!