Google Shopping (Price Comparison Site) Launches in Australia


A random search for one of our recently popular printer deals, ML-1865, reveals the best price to be Officeworks for $57.

Staticice's best price is $98.38

The best feature other than including Officeworks is that it won't show up in the search if it is not available.

For other price comparison sites, check out the wiki


Woohoo, Search for Corona beers


  • +1

    Google Shopping i find more to be for the general population

    whereas Staticice is more for the Gadget/Computer Products

    as in Staticice will list more "Gadget-y" stores than Google Shopping

    I like how GoogleShopping has a description box though

  • +1

    I love google shopping in the USA. now thats its here, gamechanger for the price comparison industry

  • it dowsn't include the logitechshop though :(

  • +1

    Why would you search for Corona beer unless you're not a guy? ;)

    • +1

      what would a guy drink then?

      • +2

        LOL, anything other than Corona.

        And to the person who negged me, it was a tongue-in-cheek joke! People can drink what they like, it's a free world.

        For me, if I was after a real beer with real taste, Corona would be one of the last beers I would consider purchasing.

        • +1

          hahaa i dont know…i just drink whatever my friends drink other than VB. I just cant take VB no matter what

  • While it seems Google Shopping is still lagging behind StaticICE for computer hardware/components, we need to remember that it has just been released in Australia and who knows what their plan is and how fast will they grow. I am sure Google has ALREADY scrapped all the pages, but chose to display only some inside search result.

    Now imagine that integration with Google Local and maybe an internal competitor to Yelp (recommendation/reputation engine) + price comparison result. I'll be worried if I am GetPrice, Shopbot or StaticICE.

    It would be interesting to figure out how to integrate all those nice Google tools into OzBargain though.

    • +1

      u mean would be nice if ozbargain acquired by google?:P HAHAHA

      • +3

        Oh that would be nice. If that happens, anyone knows whether there's a cheap pacific island for sale? :)

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