This was posted 6 years 1 month ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free VIP Membership for 1 Year (Save $35) @ PromoTix


Promotix VIP Members save up to 100% on tickets to movie previews, concerts, festivals, comedy shows, expos and more all year round!

VIP Membership (valid for 1 year) normally costs $35, but we have made available a limited number of these premium Memberships for FREE!!

1/. Head to the Promotix page and view all the fantastic shows and events you can redeem tickets to (you'll save hundreds of dollars a year on your entertainment :)

2/. Navigate to the Membership Page and select VIP Membership

3/. At the checkout use the code FREEVIP3 and to secure yours for free! (discount code is case sensitive so you must use all capital letters FREEVIP3)

4/. Once you're registered you can start planning what shows you'd like to see!

If you love to get out and about now is the perfect time to take advantage of this offer as we have just released brand new tickets for our members to redeem tickets to dozens of shows!

Current events incl: Adelaide Fringe Festival + Melbourne International Comedy Festival + Whisky Show in Brisbane

Coming Soon…Sydney Comedy Festival + Brisbane Comedy Festival and Perth Comedy Festival

So how does Promotix work?

  • Our Members our "Word of Mouth" team.
  • Tickets are available for free - and all you pay is the admin fee
  • Why are the tickets free? So you can spread the good word about the shows you see PLUS it's a great way to explore and experience new shows that you may not have otherwise invested in seeing!
  • For example: Redeem 2 Free Tickets to a Comedy Festival show (valued at $45) all you pay is a $5.95 admin fee (that's a saving of over 80%)

Unleash heaps fun and enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    you can also upgrade your existing membership to VIP (blue) membership

    • +6

      Please email us via the Contact Us page on the website with your request and we will manually apply the upgrade for you :)

      • thank you! Sent a request :)

    • +1

      You can upgrade an existing account via 'my account' page with the published code as well

  • +1

    Lucky I held out on upgrading last week!

  • +8


    visits page - clicks on upcoming for ACT….

    There are currently
    no events on offer
    in your selected area…


    • +2

      Hi we are sorry there are no events currently in offer in Canberra.
      There will be releases coming up shortly and throughout the year for you to enjoy with your VIP access :)

    • Thanks, saved me signing up

    • At least your state is an option. There isn't even an NT to click on :S

    • Don't let this put you off. Throughout the year, as events are created, you receive emails of new ones.

      This Promotix channel is also often used as a way of filling venues that aren't selling fast or bands and comedians test sets before they do a national tour.

      Hang in there peeps.

    • +1

      Went to click on TAS, not even there! Lol

    • For NSW, only 1 event listed

      • Yep and its out of stock.

    • +1

      23 months ago I too was excited by the free VIP offer, sadly of no use to me in canberra either.
      lots of spam latter… (it is spam if it doesnt apply to you)

  • Thank you OP.

  • +6

    Im a simple man. I see free vip membership for 12 months - I click!

  • How long does it take for verification email to arrive? Have waited approx 10 mins. Nothing in spam folder…

    • That does seem strange.
      Are you on a government email address or a Hotmail address by any chance?
      If so, it may be the firewall, and worth trying an alternate email if you have one.
      I hope that helps

      • used another email address. All good now. thanks.

    • 5 seconds.

      • 4 seconds

        • 3 seconds

  • Awesome! thanks.

  • +1

    Gotta admit, there wasn't much I could use it for the last year but I'm willing to give it another crack while they hopefully get access to a few more events.
    Thanks guys.

    • +1

      Out of interest what city are you based in?
      It's great to know if our members feel they're not seeing the type of events that appeal - so please feel free to submit suggestions and feedback via our Contact Us page at any time, so we can work towards providing new events that interest you :)

      • +1

        I'm in qld, there's been a few things I've seen but nothing that has really drawn me in.

        I will keep looking this year and give you some feedback, thanks for the reply.

    • +1

      Was handy for trip to Sydney - saw lots of great comedy. Not so good for QLD.

  • Any plans for events in WA?

    • +1

      Yes we've got Perth Comedy Festival coming up in April and some movie previews mid year plus more :)

    • every year they have lots of comedy fest stuff but there's been barely any movies this year

  • +1

    Mate, will there be anything other than comedy shows this year? Would love to hunt some movie or festival at a bargain price

    • +2

      Yes we will be focusing on movies and theatre events this year :)

    • What city are you based in?

  • I won't get billed at the end of the subscription will I?

    • Also, anything for MIFF later this year?

      • +1

        Not certain yet, however we do expect to be offering more film choices throughout the year.

      • Personally haven't seen any miff stuff. Comedy and fringe are the biggest ones.

    • +1

      All fine.
      We do not bill or auto renew at the end of complimentary VIP subscriptions.

      • Clause 5.7 of the T&C

        Where you have successfully applied for membership in Promotix you have also automatically opted in for renewal of your membership in Promotix for future years commencing on the first anniversary of your membership in Promotix and then each anniversary thereafter. You may opt out of automatic renewal of your membership in Promotix for future years by notifying Promotix in writing prior to any anniversary of your membership in Promotix. Where you have paid your Membership Fees by credit card or debit card and have not opted out of automatic renewal of your membership in Promotix you are deemed to have authorized Promotix to debit your Membership Fees for any future years from your debit card or credit card.

        So do we still need to notify if we wish to not continue with the VIP membership?

        • +1

          They don't take card details on signup if you've entered the code

        • +2

          There are no auto renewals in place for the free VIP promotion.
          If you are ever concerned about auto payments you can log into your Paypal account and search for the page "recurring payments" where you will se a list of companies - if any - that you have such plans in place with. From there you can cancel any that you no longer wish to subscribe to.
          I hope that helps.

  • +3

    almost want to cancel membership when i saw Lawrence Mooney's head !

    • Moon Man is hilarious.

  • +1

    Just in time for the comedy fest! Perfect!

  • +2

    Tickets are not actually free - fair warning to all.

    Booking fee still applies.

    • +5

      Well it is mentioned in the OP about the booking fee.

    • Still better than that $24 tix deal. Give me $10 tix and good choice and I'll spend $100+ on it. Otherwise just couple of $ through promotix

    • +1

      are you still cooking dinner in the park?

      • Still one of my favourite posts of all time

  • (QLD) The whiskey show looks awesome!

    So annoyed I have my first wedding to attend in years on 2nd march!

    • +3

      You could attend the midday session for a little warm up before the wedding ;-)

    • Did the Melbourne Whisky show last year , $9 for my partner and I to go "sample" whisky for a few hours on a saturday arvo - it was awesome. Even had a little snack pack and a free glass.

  • What if you're already a VIP member and it is about to expire?

    • +1

      Please use the Contact Us email via the website to request a manual upgrade to VIP

  • Are Brisbane Comedy Festival offers returning this year?

    • Yes they'll be coming up soon :)

  • Is it possible to extend an existing VIP for another 12 months with this?

    • +1

      Asked and answered multiple times above. Send them an email via contact us.

      • +1

        That's what I get for posting while on a meeting >.< thanks mate

  • +1

    Fantastic. Thanks.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, My membership expired last week, perfect timing for Melbourne comedy festival!

  • Thanks. This is the only way I could be a member given value in Perth is pretty much limited to fringe festival and a couple of movies (Usually not good fringe acts and average movies)

    The value is probably good in Melbourne and Sydney.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, I’ve been waiting for this! My VIP membership expired a while ago. I’m still on the mailing list and always look to see what I’m missing out on, but not anymore!

  • I need two tickets to the 4pm whiskey show if anyone wants to swap for the midday 12pm one!!! A bit too late to the party and they were all gone!!!

    • Please email us via the Contact Us page on the website and we may be able to assist you.

      • I sent an email last week with respect to a show and what you could do, no reply.

  • Hooray for WA and our zero events to display.. :(

    • Sorry about WA…..we have events coming up for you shortly and some great things happening throughout the year - stay tuned :-)

  • +1

    Thanks so much for posting! I upgraded my membership which is great with the Melbourne Comedy Festival coming up.

  • +1

    The Whiskey Show in Brisbane tomorrow…
    I've got a ticket spare for noon🍹 Need to meet at door. PM me.

    • Taken

  • No NSW events yet

    • We've got tickets to the Gin Show, Comedy Crackers and Georgia Mooney's Supergroup available today :)

  • Thanks

  • Hope this is useful sometime later

  • The code reduces the price to $0 but then you can't hit continue. Has this promo finished?

    Also as an aside been dissapoint with the past year compared to previous years for Perth, but willing to give it another shot.

    • edit, I hadn't ticked the terms and conditions. Please ignore.

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