Found this hot deal @Umart.
You can find cheaper price at ebay but this is from local store and it should be guaranteed to by genuine.
Samsung EVO Plus 256GB MicroSDXC Card $79 @ Umart

Last edited 01/03/2019 - 18:05 by 1 other user
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The 400GB is a U1, this is a U3.
The last UHS 3 512gb was from an eBay possibly non-local seller and was $191.20
This card has now been under $70 with ebay 20% off. $64 and $69 from memory.
Previously I bought an SD card from one of the ebay seller ( the one currently sells 256GB for $69), and the card turned out to be defective (or fake chinese import, who knows).
Price beat at officeworks? They are within 5 km of each other on the Sunshine Coast and officeworks wants $199! I needed one for my phone so works for me.
I did this and ordered via OW over the phone the other day. It worked.
So I just tried this with Officeworks over the phone, they said because they offer 10 years warranty and Umart only offers 12 months they could not price match. Luck of the draw I guess. The deal is still up on Umart so I'll just get it from them.
Does the lower priced store have to be a certain distance within the OW I'm going into?
After 400GB $97.42 and even 512GB <$100 albeit slower, according to others, these are going to have to get a lot cheaper ;)