I've recently become what's affectionately termed a SIMWhore. I get my data from whichever starter plan is best value on the day.
After munching on 5 consecutive Kogan Vodafone-network SIMs I switched (back) to Amaysim's paltry 10 GB Optus-network offering and was instantly amazed by the decreased latency. It felt like I had a new phone. I thought that maybe I did something to fix my budget 1 GB RAM phone that I forgot doing (like the time I replaced Messenger with Messenger Lite) but I can't recall anything in particular (maybe logged out of Hey You or MyMaccas?).
After championing the Vodafone network for so many months due to impressive speeds I now felt like I was spreading misinformation. Sure the Kogan download speed tests were on par but Amaysim was loading the same pages instantly in the same geographical regions.
As my Amaysim data provisions expired I looked forward to my Catch Connect SIM on the Optus network. But alas, I've had the worst experience yet. I'm no longer hitting 40 MB/s and the page load speeds are slower than ever.
So the question is, do Optus prioritise or provision data speeds after all among their resellers or am I just experiencing a co-incidence of circumstances. Unfortunately I don't have 2 SIMs to compare.
One major factor is that UNSW students went back this week and the area is probably suffering major congestion. This could explain the perceived inferiority of my Catch Connect SIM, but then it makes me ponder if Optus is still superior to Vodafone in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs.
MVNO get what they pay for on that network. Think of it like the NBN. It might be the same network, but there is a big differeance between NBN resellers.