This was posted 6 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1] Xbox Games with Gold March 2019


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closed Comments

  • Really happy with this lineup, one of the better ones we've had in quite some time.

  • First time in a while some "high" end games, rather then arcade/indie games

  • -4

    If only M$ gave us call of duty remastered like PS plus

    • +7

      Kids be saying "if only PS gave us GW2 like MS"

      • +1

        Adventure time and garden warfare 2 is legitimately on my “track these games for potential sales” list to buy for the kids.

    • +8

      I can't think of anything i want less than a CoD game. I was thinking about buying Adventure Time cos im a sucker for turn-based RPGs and Garden Warfare 2 is a pretty good inclusion so overall i find this far better than PS's month, especially considering we got the witness donkeys years ago (most overrated game of all time btw).

      • +3

        Yep I have tonnes of COD games already, but I'm looking forward to playing Garden Warfare 2 with my kids online and they love adventure time, we were close to buying that a few months ago.

        So great month for those with kids.

  • +1

    Jump on Republic Commando. It's an absolutely amazing game. Pity we never got a sequel.

    • +1

      Pity we never got the end of the game!

    • +1

      No exclusives.. really? Think you need to do a bit of research haha

    • Considering MW:R has gone to the budget bin, it's not that huge of a 'free' release on their behalf

      Also considering MS started giving out free games way before PS did and over that period Xbox has given out way better games, your comment is uneducated at best

      • +2

        Other way around. PS+ offered games for the first time in August 2010. GWG in June 2013.

        • I stand corrected, I swear I read somewhere Xbox One was doing it first or maybe it was offering 'better' games…. maybe

    • -1

      Personally I think the backward compatibility along with Game Pass have decreased the value for GwG by a bit. With BC, it enables MS to give out 360 games or lower quality games as Gold in replacement for current gen higher quality X1 games, which ultimately can reduce licensing cost while making Game Pass a more lucrative deal in comparison. I agree that PlayStation have a lot going for them this generation, it’s especially nice that one doesn’t need PlayStation Plus to be able to play F2P games such as Fortnite or Apex Legends.

  • +1

    Metal Gear is a fun game, any one know if this is just the 360 version upscaled or if it's actually a better quality version for the Xbox one?

    • It's in the 360 store so I think it's just the 360 version upscaled.

  • I play through Republic Commando every couple of years. It’s a great game and still plays very well.

  • Wow, nice one!!

  • +1


    I've nearly bought Republic Commando a hundred times since it went BC, but never bit the bullet as I thought it might end up here, super stoked on that one.

    Garden Warfare 1 was surprisingly fun and much better than it had any right to be, I'll give it a go.

    Metal Gear is dope and since my PS+ sub won't be renewed, it's nice to have the Xbox version since I'd be losing access to my PS3 one in a week or so when my Plus ends. Great game.

    Also there's Adventure Time. Eh.

    Good month, keep it up!

    • +1

      I much prefer GW1 to GW2, but see how you go. I think they went a bit too crazy with all of the characters/variations now.

  • Cheapest way to get XBOX Live subscription please?

    • Steal a friends login ?

    • +1

      Brazilian code, search through some previous deals

  • Damnit! I actually bought GW2 a few months ago in the sale. Damned good month though (finally!)

  • Anyone else have the issue with this months game (Feb) the Star Wars Xbox Original game not showing cover art on the 360?

    Also happens with Mercenaries Xbox Original game that was games with gold in Jan I think it was

  • They're already up to grab. They always go up a day early.

    • I don't see it yet, may be page is not updated

      • Up for me last night too, already downloaded

        (You need to be signed in with active gold account )

        • +1

          Ah, see I always claim my games on the webpage

          • @SlappersOnly: I did too. Chose which consoles to install too also from the site

            • +1

              @Danstar: Ok. Weird then. I looked yesterday morning and it still had the Star Wars Jedi academy and whatever last month was

              • @SlappersOnly: Yeah, same for me. It's always at least a day late for me.

  • Guys I have a 14 day XBOX live trial

    I could download Adventure Time and Super Bomberman fine - but it wants to charge me $14.95 for Republic Commando?

    • +1

      In answer to my own question:

      With a 14 day trial you only get XBOX One Games with Gold - not the XBox 360 backward-compatible Games with Gold.
      Need at least a 1 month sub or trial to get the 360 games.


      For Xbox One console customers only:

      With an Xbox Live Gold 2- to 14-day trial, you can get Xbox One Games with Gold, and discounted Gold deals.

      If you don’t subscribe to Xbox Live Gold before the 2- to 14-day trial ends, you’ll lose access to all Xbox One games that came with Games with Gold until you purchase an Xbox Live Gold subscription.

      If you sign up for a 1-month trial of Xbox Live Gold, you get Xbox One and backward-compatible Games with Gold. You also get to continue enjoying the Xbox 360 games that you acquired with your Games with Gold subscription, even if your subscription lapses.

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