This was posted 13 years 10 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mother 4pk 500ml Cans $3.99 - Treasure Hunters Warehouse Sunshine (Vic) Starts 4th May


Just received the new Tresure Hunters catalogue, and there is a great special on Mother Cans. 4 pack of 500ml cans only $3.99.

They also have:
Wicked Energy Drink for 75cents each or a slab of 12 for $6.00
Coke Zero Glass bottle 300ml 4 pack for $1.99

I have only been there once, and you need to look at the dates as they do sell past Best Before Dates (this is legal to do, as it is only Use By dates that affects the safety of the product)

It is on the corner of Ballarat Road and McIntyre Roads behind Harvey's.

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  • +5

    Might get this 4pk of Mother as my Mothers Day pressie for my Mother in Law.
    It might cheer the old bag up a bit.

    Says it all really!

  • thats pretty cheap! too bad coles and woolies don't sell it for that price =.='

  • all good prices there provided they aren't too far out of best before.

    mother is the cheapest of all energy drinks to buy wholesale so coles/woolies could sell it for this price or less easily but they know people will pay more..

    • All the specials (ie. V's $1/can 500mL) are done by the companies and not the supermarkets.

      The companies flood the markets with cheap energy, people buy it and get hooked. They lose ~$0.20/can.

  • Yeh its cheap, but most likely its out of date, 85% of there stuff is, BUt its good stuff there..:D

  • Yeah we just bought some out of date Solo cans from their and they're flat. And not the good "this bottle has been in the fridge for a few days and now the drink is flat" flat, it's the bad "this drink tastes funny" flat.

    • I was interested, but this sounds creepy.

  • Possible price match on the Mother cans @ Kmart

    • They might have the right to refuse selling it under cost price if they didn't get the supposed discount dennis.s.s mentioned above, but how much would they have got them for? (Assuming that it was the 'normal' wholesale price)

  • Amazing price but Mother does nothing for me compared to V. :(

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