KFC Hot and Spicy - Why Is It Not in All Branches?

What is with this policy that H&S can not be in every branch?

I used to work in KFC and definitely can confirm that whenever there is a H&S promotion, the level of busyness increased to a whole new level. People are crazy over H&S chickens!

I believe the popularity of H&S is more because of its crispiness rather than the 'spiciness' (can't taste its being spicy at all IMO). When people want to eat fry food, they want it crispy!!

So why can't Australia have it in all branches? I remember going to one of the branch that sells H&S everyday, I asked him why can't all the branches sell this? He himself confused of why the HO won't allow all the franchise to sell it (this was his answer, so take it with a pinch of salt). He said almost 90% people who come here buy the H&S not the original chicken so it is not the because H&S chickens do not sell well, it surely does.
He even claimed that the HO almost take out H&S menu from his branch, but luckily it didn't happen.

I am not sure if Australia is the only country who does this arrangement? From all the people I know, all of them prefer the H&S version than the original…100%.

So I wonder, what is the real reason behind this? There must be a definite explanation about this..maybe someone has the answer to settle this mystery once and for all??

Which one are you?

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  • +2

    Definitely prefer Hot & Spicy anything to bland but it wouldn't be special if it was always readily available, eh?

    • That's the thing, why does it need to be special why in many other countries, it's just part of everyday menu? It does not need to be special here.

      • +1

        in QLD, H&S is part of their everyday menu, i believe.

        • Is this true? Then why can't all the states have it the same like QLD?

          • @Taro Milk Tea: not sure if I can post reddit link here, mod please delete if not allowed.

            • +1

              @tempura: Relevant part of the comment thread:

              KFC in QLD is owned by Collins Food and not Yum. They do hot n spicy all year round whereas other states only have a few select stores doing it all the time.

              And confirmed that it's part of the everyday menu (year round) at a few KFCs here in NSW too.

              • +1


                And confirmed that it's part of the everyday menu (year round) at a few KFCs here in NSW too.

                Can you enlighten me whereabout the NSW Collins Food KFCs are ? perhaps my Google-ing skill aren't that prime.

                • +2

                  @tempura: Can't comment if it's because of the Collins/Yum Foods discrepancy, but certainly Artamon and Chatswood Chase (both owned by the same franchisee) and I think George Street in Sydney do Hot and Spicy all year round.

                  • @KevinL: Lindfield as well.

                  • +2

                    @KevinL: I told my friend about the Artarmon store and he got mad because I made him fat

                • @tempura: You misread the comment.

                  QLD KFCs are owned by Collins Foods so they all have H&S year-round.

                  (Most) NSW KFCs are owned by Yum so only a few stores have H&S year-round.

                  It's not that only Collins KFCs have H&S year-round.

                  • @HighAndDry: Interesting. If QLD can have it all year and owned by Collins Foods, why can't the 11 NSW stores owned by Collins do the same?

                    Does anyone know the list 11 stores in NSW owned by Collins? I suspect Artarmon's and George St's must be part of the list.

        • +1

          And WA

  • -3

    Since you're posting the question here, it is a clear assumption you have already sent the query to kfc HQ. What was their response?

  • +2

    ..popularity of H&S is more because of its crispiness rather than the 'spiciness' (can't taste its being spicy at all IMO).

    You're asian, aren't you? haha.

    • +4

      I'd like to know who negged this and why. This is my first thought too - and I'm Asian.

      • +5

        The difference between "asian" spicy and "western" spicy is something only asians understand! lol

        • +3

          My Sri Lankan friend's grandma made me dinner and I thought she was trying to force information out of me.

          I had the toned down version and after the first taste, I would have said anything for yogurt.

    • +2

      Taro Milk Tea

      You're asian, aren't you? haha.

      Fixed it for you

  • +2

    You're probably getting inaccurate results from the people you ask because of sampling bias - people you talk to, either in terms of age, social circles, etc, are likely not to be representative of the entire Aust. population.

    The branch manager's experience that most people go in to buy H&S may well be because other branches don't have H&S - people who buy original will go to their nearest, only the people really wanting H&S will take a trek out to his branch.

    Apart from those - I assume KFC knows how many people want H&S vs how many people like original, and the demand for H&S probably isn't enough to justify the added fixed costs (additional stock deliveries, cooked chicken waiting on hot plates, etc) of having H&S in every branch.

    • I might be a bit bias, but it comes with pure evidence. Regardless your age, social circles, race etc, when you present the two types of them, you will definitely see that people choose H&S over the original - it's just the reality, people love crispy more than 'soggy' fried chicken.

      KFC does know the demand of H&S is high, they just don't want to make it happen (H&S being a every day menu rather than a special event). Maybe the concept of H&S is unhealthier than Original that food regulator in Australia forbid it? I have no idea.

      • Regardless your age, social circles, race etc, when you present the two types of them, you will definitely see that people choose H&S over the original

        I'm going to trust that KFC knows more about this than you do.

      • All the Collins owned stores (mostly in QLD) do have H&S available on a permanent basis.

  • can we get KFC rep tagged in this discussion?

  • +2

    "KFC Hot and Spicy - Why Is It Not in All Branches"
    because some branches are not hot enough to handle them
    wink wink

  • The normal crunchy is also great when they do it (without the honey sauce etc).

    I would like a satay style and Indian style. That would be nice.

  • I don't think ant stores in the Newcastle/Hunter area do H&S as a norm.

  • Because KFC marketing insists on limiting sales of all their good products to drive up demand. Remember when the tower burger was "back for good"? Now it's a twice-yearly special if we're lucky. Same with hot'n'spicy, the double, hot rods etc.

    • oh man, i could really go some hot rods right now.

  • +1

    It is different from state to state. QLD has it all the time where as NSW choose to run it as a promotion occasionally with the exception of a few major stores that sell it year round.
    My assumption is to reduce costs & effort as you only need to prepare 1 batch instead of 2 different types.
    Plus reduces waste, would be very difficult to know how much of each to cook on any given day.

    • No, OP is convinced KFC is limiting availability of a highly-sought-after menu item for nefarious purposes…

  • didn't it used to hot, spicy AND crispy??

    • haha I tend to agree with you on the 'crispy' factor. As I often go to the one in George St, I find their H&S products are quite consistent, especially during the lunch time or dinner time - The batches are usually 'fresher & crispier'

      • Larger stores (or rather, busier stores), will tend to have fresher and crispier products just because more customers = more product turnover = fresher product.


    I have my inside person (shh. Be cool dawg). It is because hot and spicy requires the chicken to be deep fried twice. The first time it is fried, it has to be air cooled and rebattered before the second fry.

    Eats into the margins, feel me?

    Now don't chu all go tellin nobody now, hear me?

    • Not when I cooked it.

      • Sacrilege.

        • +1

          Calling B.S.

          I worked at KFC and cooked Hot & Spicy. It was battered ONCE and cooked once.

          The only difference was that it was cooked with an open lid (rather than closed in a pressure cooker like the original recipe).

          The spiciness comes pre-marinated from factory.

          Whereas original recipe is not marinated. Just the flour, salt and the 11-secret herbs and spices.

          All KFC chicken is fresh not frozen. Only thing frozen were the nuggets and popcorn chicken.

          • @reddead2067: It seems like there are some that say it is done that way and some that say they don't.

            Maybe it's a store policy thing.

            I know that double deep frying makes for thicker and crispier batter (unrelated to KFC).

            … but definitely the store I frequented as a school kid double deep fried.

            Also, a boutique place down the road triple deep fries. I draw the line at two.

            • @[Deactivated]:

              Maybe it's a store policy thing.

              Then that store should be in trouble by not following the standard procedures. It's never cooked twice and should never be cooked twice (it will get dry).

              All KFC chicken is fresh not frozen. Only thing frozen were the nuggets and popcorn chicken.

              I beg to differ, they do store frozen chickens in the storage to be use ONLY in emergency situation e.g. waiting for some supplies from other store but still have to cook as the line is busy and don't want to make customer waiting.

              • @Taro Milk Tea: Coincidentally, I was watching a YouTube thing about a franchisee KFC. They do things differently.

    • Yep, I was told that it's because it's cooked twice and most stores don't have the cooking equipment necessary to sustain that on a permanent basis.

      • +1

        When I worked there it was battered twice and cooked with an open lid.
        It was never fried twice.

  • I've always suspected its a cheap way to revitalise the business annually… there isnt much else you can promote.

  • More importantly why aren't zinger towers a regular thing here? When I went back to the UK for Christmas I had 5 in 3 weeks, so probably a good job it's not readily available actually

  • I can confirm it is all-year-round in WA as well. I was so shocked the first time I went into a KFC on the Gold Coast. I was like wtf would anyone come here if you don't sell Hot n Spicy?

    More importantly when are we going to get the waffle burger? https://www.worldofbuzz.com/kfc-is-launching-brand-new-zinge…

    • +1

      I was like wtf would anyone come here if you don't sell Hot n Spicy?

      I know right!

      The fact that WA has H&S all year round gives me enough reason to move to WA LOL..

      More importantly when are we going to get the waffle burger? https://www.worldofbuzz.com/kfc-is-launching-brand-new-zinge…

      I don't think the waffle burger ever going to arrive here in Australia, the combination of sweet waffle and fried chicken doesn't really go well with the taste bud here..I find it a little bit weird too.

  • +1

    Whaaat, H&S isn't part of the standard menu Australia-wide? It's standard in WA. I thought anything standard in WA = already been in the rest of the country for the past 50 years…

    (Also, agree with OP about it being crispy, not hot and spicy.)

  • +1

    Hmm. I’ve been eating KFC for over 40 years and I don’t know a single person who eats hot & spicy. And when I’m standing in line at KFC I rarely see anyone ordering anything but original, just as the colonel intended.

    Must be a regional or ethnic background thing. I know when I go to Asia I see Asian people ordering spicy a lot at KFC. When I’m in the USA most people are ordering original. And damn does it taste good in the USA - just like it used to taste here when I was younger.

    • Wow, really? maybe its because you always go to the stores that doesn't sell H&S, that's why you never see anyone ordering H&S.

      And damn does it taste good in the USA - just like it used to taste here when I was younger.

      I prefer Popeye's over KFC in USA, Popeye's just nails it better.

    • When I go to KFC in QLD, most people order hot and spicy.

      In fact, if you look at the heating area, most of the area is designated for either hot and spicy chicken or wicked wings.

      Its probably because people outside QLD and WA are weak and can't handle it


    • Must be a regional or ethnic background thing.

      I've never seen anyone order an original burger. It's always a zinger , a stacker or H&S when it was available. I'm in a fairly affluent coastal suburb in Melbourne and the vast majority of my neighbours are Caucasian.

      I personally can't remember the last time I had an original chicken or burger. If by ethnic, you mean middle-eastern, Asian or Chinese , then I'm not ethnic. But if we go by the dictionary meaning of 'ethnic' which relates to "a person who is a member of a specific racial or cultural group that is considered a minority"…maybe🤔

  • Hot & Spicy is standard here in WA
    But I’m keen for that 21 piece deal only in QLD :(

  • +1

    I love Hot and Spicy, way more than original.
    I'm keen to add my signature to a Royal Commission into this..

  • Has anyone seen Hot & Spicy this year? Winter is almost over

  • To the people who have had hot n spicy overseas.

    Is it hotter there?

    I remember finding it really quite hot back in the day.

    Seems to mild now.

    I assume they did research down the years and this is what the people want.

    • +1

      Oh hello, I thought this thread is dead already lol.

      Is it hotter there?

      Where are you located though?
      To answer your question in NSW: No, not spicy at all.

      I guess the people in Australia prefer the hot&spicy not to be too hot&spicy lol…shud just called it crispy chicken instead.

      • It is but I'm stuck in bed sick and thought I'd look for threads

        • +1

          It is but I'm stuck in bed sick

          Username checks out? :p

          eat more KFC then :D

          • @Taro Milk Tea: I did on Sunday….
            I don't think the two things are related

            • +1

              @iamhurtin: hot and spicy use to be quite spicy … thanks to the nanna laws in australia, 'someone' complained that it was too spicy (why order hot & spicy) so they've been toning it back ever since …

              in SA, we have 'wicked wings' all of the time as the closest thing to hot & spicy, but there's vitually no spice …

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