What is with this policy that H&S can not be in every branch?
I used to work in KFC and definitely can confirm that whenever there is a H&S promotion, the level of busyness increased to a whole new level. People are crazy over H&S chickens!
I believe the popularity of H&S is more because of its crispiness rather than the 'spiciness' (can't taste its being spicy at all IMO). When people want to eat fry food, they want it crispy!!
So why can't Australia have it in all branches? I remember going to one of the branch that sells H&S everyday, I asked him why can't all the branches sell this? He himself confused of why the HO won't allow all the franchise to sell it (this was his answer, so take it with a pinch of salt). He said almost 90% people who come here buy the H&S not the original chicken so it is not the because H&S chickens do not sell well, it surely does.
He even claimed that the HO almost take out H&S menu from his branch, but luckily it didn't happen.
I am not sure if Australia is the only country who does this arrangement? From all the people I know, all of them prefer the H&S version than the original…100%.
So I wonder, what is the real reason behind this? There must be a definite explanation about this..maybe someone has the answer to settle this mystery once and for all??
Which one are you?
Definitely prefer Hot & Spicy anything to bland but it wouldn't be special if it was always readily available, eh?