I have an old Telstra mobile broadband prepaid plan which allows premium SMS. Is there any which allows cashback even at a terrible rate of 25% or 50% which I know is because the telco companies take a large margin of it?
Premium SMS Cashback?
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If you can send the credit to other telstra phones you could sell it for around 50%.
Hi, just curious, can this credit be used on the Google Play store still? For apps etc.
For certain publishers of ebook and audiobooks yes. Otherwise no.
See https://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/tppm_drawdown for a list of publishers.
Are you asking for something so you can send fake Premium SMSs, get a kickback from the fake recipient, who then fraudulently charges Telstra, and you split the proceeds of that?
(Genuinely asking because that sounds like it, but I really know nothing about premium sms cashback schemes…)
Nope I subscribe using my legitimate phone credit to some premium sms service which cashbacks to me a percentage of the profit they get from it. Totally legal.
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