Hello everyone I'm having an issue trying to get a good router for my NBN FTTC connection, I have the NBN box which the internet is plugged into but we also have a phone line that needs to go through the router itself and I need help figuring out what I should be buying since the one they supply is a piece of crap that just doesnt work (this is the second one they've sent us) and am fed up with garbage they keep sending.
So what I would like to know is if there is a good router for FTTC that also supports a phone line so the phone can work? And can a phone go into a dsl or vdsl port in a modem/router and work?
I have tried using a splitter but the NBN box does not like that and refuses to work with one attached.
NBN supplies its own FTTC NCD (network connection device AKA modem), which remains the property of NBN. You or your retail service provider supply a router. NBN FTTC NCD contains a RPU (reverse power unit) that sends electricity from your premise to power a portion of the NBN distribution point. You cannot use a FTTN VDSL2 modem for FTTC as it does not contain a RPU.