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[NSW, SA, TAS, VIC, WA] Free Test & Tag of Electrical Tools from 7am to 2:30pm Fridays @ Coates Hire (Selected Stores)


Coates Hire will test your electrical equipment for faults every Friday at selected branches, FREE until the end of March.

If your equipment fails the test, we’ll reduce the cost of your hire of a similar product by 50%.

Testing of equipment will be conducted from 7am to 2:30pm each Friday until the end of March 2019 at selected Coates Hire branches (listed below). See below for full Terms & Conditions.

Participating branches include:
Alexandria, NSW
Auburn, NSW
Brookvale, NSW
Camperdown, NSW
Caringbah, NSW
Campbelltown, NSW
Gladesville, NSW
Hillsdale, NSW
Penrith, NSW
Revesby, NSW
Seven Hills, NSW
Willoughby, NSW
Albert Park, SA
Cambridge, Tas
Derwent Park, Tas
Launceston, Tas
Brooklyn, Vic
Bulleen, Vic
Campbellfield, Vic
Dandenong, Vic
Hastings, Vic
Lilydale, Vic
South Oakleigh, Vic
Port Melbourne, Vic
Werribee, Vic
Cannington, WA
Midland, WA
Osborne Park, WA

Terms and Conditions

  1. Testing of equipment will be conducted from 7am to 2:30pm each Friday until the end of March 2019. 2. Testing is only available for 240V electrical equipment which can be carried in a ute or van. All equipment submitted for testing must indicate the Maximum IR Test Voltage. Coates Hire has the absolute discretion to refuse to test any item of equipment where it believes it is unsafe to perform the testing. Testing and tagging of equipment will be conducted by either a licensed electrician or competent person. 3. The 50% cost reduction offer is only redeemable after the item of equipment has been tested and the customer has been advised of the equipment’s failure. The cost reduction is only available on similar products. 4. A customer is only entitled to have a maximum of 5 items of equipment tested during the offer period. 5. Coates Hire is not responsible for loss or damage to any equipment left in its control unless such loss or damage was caused by Coates Hire’s negligence. 6. This offer is only available at selected Coates Hire branches (see www.coateshire.com.au for participating branches). NOTE: Coates Hire will not be held responsible for any damage to the equipment, or for any loss the customer may suffer, which results from insufficient information being provided regarding testing limitations, surge suppressors, filter devices, etc. In these circumstance, further detailed inspection may be required by the relevant OEM. DISCLAIMER: Coates Hire is not responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Customer (Loss) unless such Loss was the result of the gross negligence or the wilful act of Coates Hire or its employees. To the extent permitted by law, such Loss is capped to $5,000.

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Coates Hire
Coates Hire

closed Comments

  • +5

    38 stores in QLD (about 1/4 of all the stores in Oz), but none participating😢

    • I suspect it is a legal issue of some sort.
      Ie. Maybe QLD law requires testing to be done by 'qualified Electrician' …

      There is something in terms and conditions "conducted by either a licensed electrician or competent person" most probably they will choose the 'competent person' rather than licensed electricians.

  • +3

    Will this deal be valid for businesses?? If so, my boss will be happy if I told him about this deal :D

    • Just note the ‘A customer is only entitled to have a maximum of 5 items of equipment tested during the offer period.’

      • +2


        Our last bill for Test & tag at my work came to $1.5K

  • +16

    Come on, this is Ozb, be more creative…
    Tell your boss, you've got a mate working at Coates who will tag and test for cash discount, no receipt.
    Take everything down, come back and ask for a sum 😁
    Win win…

    • +22

      Come back, ask for sum, turns out boss is an Ozbargainer, gets fired.

      • +2

        Even better, it turns out chav is the boss and he is looking for an excuse to fire Homr

        • Busted me😁

      • Yup not worth the risk. Better have your job than a mouth with of lies

    • +1

      Probably just insulation resistance. I think the goal is to test if the appliance is going to kill you, not that it works for its purpose

    • +1
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