Was looking to getting more storage and found this.
Close to the lowest it has been ($67.15).
No need for prime to get this deal.
Don't forget cashback!
Seagate Expansion Portable 2TB @ Officeworks via Price Beat $67.64
Was looking to getting more storage and found this.
Close to the lowest it has been ($67.15).
No need for prime to get this deal.
Don't forget cashback!
Seagate Expansion Portable 2TB @ Officeworks via Price Beat $67.64
appears to be out of stock
Depends on the store. Verified 24 available at my local yesterday.
Ah ok, I see there are a couple of stores near me which might have stock.
The one posted is not far behind at $35.60/TB + its delivered. The 3TB is is good if you can get stock and need more space.
@FireRunner: Officeworks Seagate Expansion Portable 2TB Price Beat $67.64 — $33.82 per TB, now you are talking.
Nice find.
I'm so sick of the drama officeworks puts you through most every time to do the price beat guarantee - it is so dependent on the staff member you deal with on the day, that I would prefer to give the business to the company that has the best advertised price.
That and they don't do ebay discount codes. And The PBG cannot be applied to purchases made online.
Yep - the Jetstar pricematch is now done online & comes back with a email response confirming the match in a reasonable time frame.
Pity Officeworks don't instigate this system.
I'm needing a new one for my Xbox, any recommendations?
Either this or the 3TB listed by alvian are likely best value
Sweet, was concerned I needed like an SSD or something to get the best speeds etc.
An SSD will get you the best speeds but will be bottlenecked by the USB speed anyway. It will still be faster than a HDD though.
HDDs are still a lot cheaper per GB than SSD which is why it’s the best value solution.
@FireRunner: SSD won't be bottlenecked by USB speeds. USB3 can do 5Gbps which is about the same as what the SSDs in those portable models can do anyway (SATA based)
@blurrybird: 5Gbps is the theoretical max speed, in reality it never reaches anything close to that.
Was going to get for the PS4 until I read this
it seems this one has USB and not the SATA connector. I may be wrong.
Will be fine for use as an external hdd on ps4, only need the sata one if youre replacing the internal drive instead
Yep you are right, i was looking at the intention of internal replacement.
Internal is 2TB max because of the physical size of drive, but I think PS4 Software can now take 4TB.
I bought one in November last year was a SATA
I remember I bought this same drive from office works around October and it was a SATA I'm in need of one for my PS4 also… Not sure if I should say the risk
Thank you OP
Have been waiting for the price to drop back down from the $89 it has been.
Do I need to go in physical officeworks store for the pricebeat?
From OW Price Beat page
Give us a call or drop in to your nearest Officeworks store with your record of the cheaper price.
The PBG cannot be applied to purchases made online.
What do you guys think about WD portable HHD vs this Seagate's Hdd? Is WD better? Thanks
Love that HDD and RAM prices have fallen to reasonable levels
Thanks OP and alvian bought 3tb from Officeworks CC
Is this 5400 RPM?
Can this be used as an everyday drive to do video editing/gaming daily on?
Internal drives will usually be much faster.
Damn I missed this :( Now $75.65
Missed this by minutes. Congrats to whomever beat me to the South Melbourne store!
Officeworks Seagate Expansion Portable 3TB $99 — $33 per TB