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Free sample of Hermesetas SteviaSweet


Free sample of Hermesetas SteviaSweet

Hermesetas SteviaSweet, the first ever natural table top sweetener, can be used like sugar to add natural sweetness to hot or cold drinks, cereals, fruits, desserts and even in cooking and baking delicious tasting recipes… all without the calories of sugar.

Please fill in your name, email address and postal address to claim your free sample of Hermesetas SteviaSweet. Only one coupon per household allowed. Offer available while stocks last. Expect the sample in 4-6 weeks.

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closed Comments

  • Don't forget to also check out the yummy recipes!! Mmmmm, Citrus Squares!!!

  • +2

    Can only be a Mrs or Mr, what if I'm neither? Guess I'll just be "creative". :D

    • +2

      Yeah, I noticed that too. It's discriminatory to us cats. :)

  • +2

    A warning to people who haven't had stevia before - it's kinda a fake tasting sweetness (despite it being natural) - not too bad in cooking, but in coffee/tea etc I personally don't like the taste. Can also make you ill if you have liver problems (I'm sure most will be fine, but just thought I'd mention it).

  • +2


  • Nice freebie, just a note to anyone else who uses gmail auto labels, can't use '+' symbols in email address.

  • SteviaSweet has a weird liquorice aftertaste, particularily if you like your drinks sweet and add more than 2 tabs/sachets. Anyone up for Liquorice Coffee? Not a flavour combination that works in my unfortunate experience.

    Mind you it is a good thing to have yet another choice in sugar-substitutes.

  • I wonder they send a couple of tablets or a pack. Its not worth the hassle for 2 tablets of sweetener.

  • "the first ever natural table top sweetener" - honey or unrefined sugar probably beat Stevia to it by a few thousand years.

    seriously, stevia is OK but it does taste artificial.. you can also just buy the herb from a nursery and grow it yourself. It only takes a tiny amount to make things sweet.

    • Does it attract more bugs than other plants?

  • is stevia the stuff in coke zero??

      • e supposedly pretty nasty

        There is nothing wrong with aspartame.


        Of all the ingredients in food you eat aspartame has probably undergone the most safety tests.

        • Aspartame is made up of:

          40% Aspartic Acid
          50% Phenylalanine
          10% Methanol

          Aspartic is an amino acid and excessive ingestion could cause serious chronic neurological disorders. Aspartate acts as neurotransmitter in the brain and too much of it kills certain neurons by allowing the influx of calcium into the brain cells. This triggers excessive amounts of free radicals, which kill the cells. This is why aspartic is referred to as an "excitotoxin" in that it excites or stimulates the neural cells to death.

          Phenylalanine is also an amino acid. Excessive levels of phenylalanine in the brain can cause the levels of seratonin in the brain to decrease, leading to emotional disorders such as depression, wide mood swings and violent rages (people with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria who cannot metabolize phenylalanine are especially vulnerable). High blood phenylalanine can be concentrated in parts of the brain and is particularly dangerous for infants and fetuses.

          Methanol oxidises and breaks down into the toxic metabolites formic acid and formaldehyde in the body. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen which interferes with DNA replication and causes birth defects. Once absorbed into the body, methanol has a low rate of excretion and is therefore considered a cumulative poison. The most well known problems from methanol poisoning are vision problems, including progressive contraction of visual fields, blurring of vision, retinal damage and blindness.

          Furthermore, the metabolism or prolonged storage of Apartame produces a byproduct called Diketopiperazine which has been implicated in the occurrence of brain tumours and also as a cause of uterine polyps and changes in blood cholesterol.

          Clinical trials of Aspartame on animals do not accurately reflect the danger for humans because due to the lack of a couple of key enzymes, humans are many times more susceptible to its toxic effects than animals.

          The world's largest aspartame manufacturer is AjiNoMoto (literally, the "essence of taste"). Ajinomoto’s signature product is MonoSodium Glutamate (MSG) which, being also an "excitotoxin", shares many of the harmful effects with Apartame. Ajinomoto acquired its aspartame business in 2000 from Monsanto, the "evil" corporation that forces all things genetically modified on hapless farmers and consumers.

        • Anything taken excessively can be toxic and cause serious health issues, including water.

  • @JLove
    "Anything taken excessively can be toxic and cause serious health issues, including water."

    This is true to a certain extent but try drinking 10 pints of water in day one, 5 pints of liquor in day two and 1 pint of methanol in day three and report back on the effects each has on you.

    • Pints? What are those? :P

      Is that the way you get your nutrition? 5 litres of water in the morning, 200g of flour at lunch, and 50g of butter and some assorted vitamins and minerals in the evening? ;)

      Also do you want to suggest that JLove blind himself with metho on day 3?

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