Vodafone Pocket Wi-Fi Half Price $49.50, Link to Unlock Free

Normally $99 but its half price :)

Im going to connect to Internode $29 5GB after I cancel the Voda month to month plan :)


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  • Your blog post mentions you can buy the modem instore — is that any store and can you buy the modem outright at that price?

    • When you buy it you have to sign up for month to month mobile broadband. You can cancel that before the end of the month no disconnection fee. so its $49 + one month $29. But you get 4GB and you can use its straight out of the box so its no biggie. Offer ends 5 May 2011 then its back to $99

      Should be able to get it at any vodafone store or online


  • Didn't BigW have these in their online clearance recently?

    • I think it was a different model.. None the less this post was more about that you can unlock it free anyways ;)

      • +1

        This is what they had, dunno if it's the same, it's $79 PP:


        Yours is cheaper upfront (sans 1st month contract) & I dunno how much PP data comes with this, but I suppose it ends up being around the same price anyway! ;)

        You're right though, the unlocking is very important.

        • Yeah same model, Good if u dont have a local VF :)

  • nice one, cheesemonkey~!

  • Good work!

  • I would love to know how people went unlocking their device as per my instructions. Sometimes i can be confusing :P

    • I'm really excited about this, but I still have 8 months or more credit to go on my current Vodafone SIM. I don't want to get another card until then obviously, but can the unlock be done using the current SIM, or does the unlock only authorise a new SIM for use, not unlock the device for any SIM to be popped in? I'm a bit new to this unlocking procedure thing. Thanks.

      • You need another sim.. just grab one out of another phone as long as its not Vodafone. I used my Optus sim out of my iPhone. If you dont have one just borrow one off a friend :)

        • I used the Telstra SIM out of my phone (an old, voice only plan, not sure if it does data). It came back "Invalid SIM" on the modem, and DC-Unlocker reported "card not found". Perhaps I need a SIM out of a smart phone or something that is enabled for data? I have a feeling my SIM might be pretty ancient and from the old network, I only use my phone for voice communication, believe it or not. I'll try again if I can borrow one from a friend and report back with my success or failure.

      • Edit: Double Post

        • +1

          Did you follow the unlock procedure? because it should say invalid sim, but not after unlock. Could be that its not a 'Usim' or 3G sim.

          Update on changing from Vodafone > Internode..
          I was going to change to Internode $29 for 5GB so I called up Vodafone to cancel my plan. They asked me why and I explained how I found a better deal. Low and behold the better Vodafone offers came out :) At first I was offered $5 off my current plan ($29 for 4GB) which i thought was ok but I really just wanted more download. Following this she said to go up to the next plan ($39 6GB) and I said I didn't really want to pay more, So she said $5 off that plan as well. That was a pretty good deal but still wasn't convinced so she added another 4GB on top of that plan :) :) so ended up getting $34 for 10GB Not bad I say


  • I followed the instructions, there was not much to go wrong. Ran the unlocker program, the defaults were Huawei Modems and auto detect, all I did was press search :) I suspect it is not a 3G SIM, as I say I have had it a LONG time, since switching from analogue! GSM/CDMA? I'm not a phone junkie so I don't know much about it. I'm actually going to be changing the phone plan today coincidentally so I suspect I'll be getting a 3G SIM. I'll report back when I have better luck.

    Your Vodafone update is interesting and good news. I got 14GB for about $100 (12 months expiry) a few months ago and thought that was a good deal then, good to see things are getting better.

    • Awesome! Yeah sounds like its the sim.

      Just a side note I also figured out how to make a repeater bridge between the PocketWiFi and an old G wireless router I had sitting around. I installed custom firmware on it called dd-wrt which gives u options that you normally have to pay big $ for. Basically the router connects to the PocketWiFi wirelessly and then anything plugged into the router has internet access too :) Now I can play Xbox Live without buying a stupid WIFi for the xbox :) STOKED!

      • I just picked up a new Telstra SIM, definitely NextG, It's still reporting "Invalid SIM", but I think it just needs more time before they activate it and I put credit on it. I'm not panicking at this stage, I'll follow up tomorrow.

        I've used dd-wrt before and it's great. Fortunately I picked up two D-Link travel routers on clearance at DSE for about $20 each some time ago thanks to OzBargain. The DWL-G730AP is an Access Point, Router, or Wireless Client. I just need some time to play around with this so I can create a "wired from wireless" connection to use at my local computer club.

  • I followed the guide and can confirm that this worked for me. I used a Telstra SIM (NextG) from my phone. I just have to disable SIM lock on the phone before put it in the pocket wifi. After unlock, let it reboot and then follow the youtube video to change the APN. All sweet, thanks man.

    • No worries nice to see my instructions worked ;)

  • Damn, my NextG Telstra SIM is active and yet it still reports "Invalid SIM". I read the post above and now I'm disappointed. Does it have to do with the type of plan perhaps? Does it have to be a data-enabled plan for the PocketWiFi to consider it valid (mine is a talk plan)? I'll tackle my mate when he comes by and grab the SIM out of his iPhone, I know that is data-enabled.

    Also I don't understand "disable SIM lock on the phone" on the post above, can anyone help?

    • It's the security you set for the SIM. Once enabled, every time the phone turn on, it will ask for the PIN. This is just to preven people from using your account/SIM in case the phone got lost/stolen.

      My SIM is linked to a business Internet plan (600MB/month). So yes, may be the pocket wifi needs an Internet-enabled SIM.

      • Thanks. That's the first thing I turn off on a phone, I never use it so I forgot about it.

        • Did u get it working?

        • Not working yet, waiting to get my hands on another SIM.

  • http://cgi.ebay.com.au/New-Unlocked-BandLuxe-PR30-HSDPA-21M-…

    anyone know if there are any more products like this out there?
    bit expensive..but will give you the nextg speeds on telstra

    • To be honest its not worth is seeing Telstra will be rolling out 4G in the not to distant future so this would no longer be fast speeds. Bang for buck this little thing is better in my opinion esp if your going to upgrade later on.

  • I know this thread is getting a bit old, but I finally tracked down someone with a 3G SIM with a data plan. The instructions were good, but the procedure is a little fiddly. Anyway, I got the the point of searching for "PST" but couldn't find it, despite increasing the "max page" value to 1000 and downloading from it a couple of times. I couldn't tie up my friends phone for any longer so I let him go without resolving the problem. I still have the text file I extracted, I don't suppose there is something else I can look for? For info, his is an unlocked Optus 3G account with data plan. The only thing I can think of is that the string we are looking for is towards the end of the extracted file, and he has a huge contact list saved to his SIM which is saved in the middle of the text file. He did tell me he had >200 contacts, but thought they were saved to the phone itself. Any ideas of something else to try, apart from the obvious of finding another SIM?

    • Thats weird as heaps of people have unlocked it easy with my method.. see here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/45920 I guess you could email the file to me and ill have a look

      • Hello m0nkeycheese, I wanted to tell you that I unlocked 2 of these with your instructions - thank you very much for making them so clear. The first one I unlocked had the "PST" in the 250 value range, but the second was a bit further down - I had to enter "500" (I think) before I found "PST".

        Also to endotherm, the Telstra sim card that I used to unlock with (you know, so that I would get the "invalid sim" type message was one without a data plan, and I think the screen on the wifi said something like "SMS ONLY", anyway, my point being that you should be able to unlock the wifi with any non Voda sim - even one with no data plan. You wont be able to surf with it, but you can use it to unlock the wifi. Good luck.

        • I have tried 3 other SIMs, they all showed "Invalid SIM" on the screen and wouldn't provide me with any details in the reader program. The only thing they had in common was they were non-data plan accounts. I'm just making the logical conclusion from there. I'm wondering if the borrowed SIM needs to be "unlocked" for it to be detected, perhaps that's the vital feature, not data plans.

          I tried extracting with a value of 250 then 500 and finally 1000. The extraction is rather slow and I didn't feel like tying the poor guys SIM up all night so I didn't go any further. How much data can a SIM hold anyway?

      • Thanks, not sure how to private-message another user here. The file is a bit over 1MB.

    • Hello endotherm, I couldn't reply after your comment (web page limitation) so I'm replying here. Since you've made the comment that you have used the software before, it's making me think that you have inadvertently left a setting ticked or unticked, or selected a "save as" that is different to the one recommended in m0nkeycheese's doco's.

      Maybe the hack software remembers/saved a previous setting without you knowing, and is therefore giving you incorrect output files? I say that because when I did the 250 and the 500 values myself, it took a few minutes - what? 3 or 4 minutes at the most, not something like you intimated - "tying the poor guys SIM up all night". Maybe install the hacking software on a fresh pc if you have access to one? Maybe get some fresh eyes to read along as you go through the instructions?

      Let us know how you go, my suggestions are only trying to help, I'm not having a go, I don't know you. Good luck.

      • Yep, did the multiple eyes and different PC thing, the file that is saved seems to be correct, it has blocks of human readable-stuff in it. The 250 value extraction took probably 3-4 minutes, the 500 took twice as long and the 1000 double that. After trying it 3 or 4 times it adds up, it didn't help that it was 2am and I'd had it for an hour, after saying that I only needed it for a few minutes :) Thanks for the suggestions.

        • email to [email protected] its an email i use to sign up for junk so i never check it but i will in the nest few hours if you send it to me.. (In other words if people start sending me junk i wont read it anyways lol)

  • Thanks, sent.

    • Go to when connected to Pocket WiFi

      Try this code: 87601296

      • Thanks for that, seemed to work. I couldn't seem to get the page up from the URL you provided but from home page/log in/advanced settings/SIM settings I was able to enter the code. The device reset and I changed the SIM.

        With my Telstra phone SIM it showed:
        TELSTRA, SMS only, Roaming

        The next time I powered up it was showing
        3, Roaming

        I guess I need to set up some profiles or something with the APN settings, later on in your instructions, when I get a different carrier's account.

        Thanks again, for the life of me I don't know why I had so much trouble.

        • some pocket wifis need to search for LT P instead of PST im going to add that to the guide now. Its kinda rare but this is one such case

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