Free baby expo ticket got pulled off?

Anybody know why?


  • According to moderators it was a duplicate to what has been posted a year ago here:

    • Scotty - I understand that there's existing post, but, as you said, it's 1 year ago and it's for 2007 event, not 2008.

      and I also included the detailed event's place, time and location in 2008, not 2007.

      Does that last year post include the session details for 2008??

      I am just unhappy that my effort and time in putting up the freebie is pulled off because someone already posted this last year. It's last year event, my one is this year event. That's the difference.

      How about a daily duplication of domino coupons??? today is $5.95, tomorrow is $4.50, then $4.95, etc, and they are allowed on daily basis. If your "rule" not allowing this kind of duplication, then it should be only ONE domino post allowed.

      Please consider relist my post.

      • Yes I get your point. I will try to dig up where your post went…

        • Cheers scotty.. you're the best :p

      • elcheapo - I was the one who removed your deal off, because I posted it before here & the title (when I posted it) says "Free Ticket to Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo 2007/2008", so that deal was for both this year & last year.

        There isn't a daily duplication of Donimo's coupons, only because they are different codes for each new option - Donimo's publish plenty of these offers each with a different code, so that's why there are heaps of different threads for different codes. Also if you only have one post for all Domino Pizza codes, it will be hard to track each new code.

        I do understand where you're coming from but at the end of the day - you aren't the only one who gets their deals pulled off, there are many deals which get pulled off each week for the exact same reason your deal got pulled.

  • Thanks for the offers guys

  • Scotty/JeffreyM - I'm sorry to see elcheapo's posting removed. I only came across OzBargain about 8 months ago and always only look at the "new deals", unless I am searching for something specifically and I wouldn't have even known there was a link for the free ticket to this expo (or even thought about searching on OzBargain for this expo) until elcheapo posted it recently. I know a number of people who are currently pregnant with their first child or have young children and I forwarded it to them and I know a few of them were planning to go and have appreciated the free ticket.

    Just a suggestion Scotty, but maybe you can have a rule that postings without an expiry date have a default expiry date of 6, 9 or 12 months or something?

    I have noticed someone else has now posted the free entry ticket for Sydney -

    • Good idea.

      So how about a default 6 month expiry, and people are free to repost the deals afterwards?

      • Hi Scotty, either you should decide on the expiry duration, otherwise you could put a poll in the forum where members can vote on the duration? But 6 months sounds good to me!

  • I agree with you - there's gotta be a better way. Have a look at this thread

    You may want to add points to that as it addresses this issue and highlights the need for ongoing deals especially since this site is growing in popularity and information

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