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[PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY Edition $17.95 @ PlayStation Store


Apart from the recent $10 deal for physical copy at BigW with no stock, seems like the best Ps4 price for this game recently

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  • Great. Even better than the Xbox one version.

    • +2

      Is it? Why?

    • +1

      Its actually not.

      I have it on both systems and the Xbox One X last year received a patch for 4k @ 60fps.

      Looks absolutely glorious on the One X

      • +3

        pssst, OP didn’t say one x, they said one.

        • maybe even better meant pricing?

          • @madmikee: using “version” confuses the subject, tilts it more towards capability than price. anywhos been meaning to play it myself. bought it at this price a while back

            • +1

              @zqipz: such a great game, regardless of what you buy it on. It's one of those games that no matter how many times you play it. You would find something new each time.

      • Awesome, I have it purchased XBox version of this game long ago and have not opened cover yet (I own one X). Planning to start this soon. You saved me some money.

      • Xbox One X last year received a patch for 4k @ 60fps.

        Huh? 4K @ 60fps? Aren’t the two options on X1X 4K @ 30fps or 1080p @ 60fps?

        • when you see it, you will believe it

          • @madmikee: It doesn’t exist, 60fps mode has a resolution of 1080p. Apparently your eyes can’t tell the difference between 1080p and 4K lol.

  • Dang. This was $25 a few months ago so I bought the regular version for $17 figuring it would be sufficient. Now I want the Blood and Wine expansion.

    • By the time you finish the standard game the season pass would have been on sale, I reckon.

    • If you have already played the main story, don't get the GOTY edition as the saves aren't compatible. Wait for a sale on the expansion.

      The expansions are awesome.

  • +11

    You could pay $200 for this game and it would be worth every cent.

    • I have bought it a few times, GOG, Steam, PS4

    • Very true!

  • Have on PC but so good I'd buy for PS4 too.

  • Bought on steam but haven’t started yet.

    Someone please give me a reason to buy on ps4 as well.

  • Oh yes, just spam Quen = super easy mode

  • How is this compared to Zelda BoTW?

    • +1

      I hahve both and IMO its much better

  • +2

    Keep in mind, if you already own the base game and are looking to this for a cheap season pass add on, i dont beleive the save files work for the original and GOTY.


  • There wasn't much stock at BigW but if you were lucky you could get a price match at EB for $10.

    • Fair, but many couldn't get the price match if EB did their due dilligence

      • Thats why I said "if you were lucky" :-)

  • Will you be able to understand the story if you're not playing the previous 2 games? I've heard great reviews for this one and maybe it's time to finally buy it!

    • +1

      Yes, it’s a story all of it’s own. It’s enormous, will keep you busy for a couple of hundred hours without even playing the expansions.

    • I tried playing 2 when it came out and couldn't get into it. Bought 3 on sale after the great reviews and it is one my favourite games of the last few years. Most things that happened in the past are explained and there seems to be more reference to the original books than the last few games. (Which I also hadn't read).

      • and there seems to be more reference to the original books than the last few games. (Which I also hadn't read).

        The story in the books spreads over 4 or so books (I felt like), as opposed to a self-contained story in each book. Good if you're really into the lore from the games, but if you're a casual like me (read the book first), it won't tide you over.

  • That's a lot of game for a very little price. If you don't have this, at this price you'd be mad not to at least try.

  • I've been trying to purchase this all morning via firefox on PC and the PS app on my iPhone. Anyone else having issues?

    • Turn out my credit card had expired in their system. Doh!

  • -1

    if you have onex u stopped buying on ps4 -unless its really cheap…

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