This was posted 6 years 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Far Cry: New Dawn $35.59 (Was $67.59) Digital Download @ CD Keys

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EDIT: Says Europe only, but confirm it works. See comments below. Thanks commanderkeen.

47% off. Cheapest so far on OzB. Not sure if the 3% off FB code still works. I never managed to get it.

This is a digital download only purchase.


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closed Comments

  • +1

    Bought this the other day.
    No problems activating the key in uplay.

    • Thanks cammanderkeen!

  • any multiplayer or online co-op?

    • Co-op yes

      • Yeah co-op but only you and one other friend… wish it was more :(

  • Cheers OP. Code worked on Uplay fine, downloading now..20GB for the game 20GB for high res textures

  • Is the game worth $35? Can anyone provide their opinion on this compared to FC5?

    • +1

      From all the reviews I've seen if you liked FC5 you'll like it. But don't expect much new. It's basically an FC5 DLC is what I read of it.

    • Gameplay is fun sometimes boring and repetitive

    • If it plays like all the other Far Cry games then it is a $4 wait for me.. $9 if I get anxious.

      I jumped on Far Cry Primal from ebgames for i think $9 or $19 because of the setting.

      Love ancient stuff.

  • I'm still too annoyed at the Far Cry 5 ending to allow myself to spend money on this.

    Need more time to forget.

  • Can anyone confirm they've purchased this, activated and played without any VPN requirements?

    • OK, I can confirm the activation and execution of the game is fine. The only thing I didn't test is the COOP but otherwise all working perfectly. Thanks OP for the awesome deal.

  • +2

    $35 is ok for this. Better than any of the DLC for FC5. I bashed this out in about 12 hours on hard. Even repeating some of the outposts to grind for better weapons, all prep stashes and side missions. The map is about a third the size of FC5. Without spoiling anything, one boss fight is very unbalanced. There is no skill to just standing in front of a boss shooting until one of you dies first. The controls also somehow don't feel as refined as FC5. Spewing I pre-ordered and paid full price.

    • I also pre ordered and paid full price. Fortunately that was only $46 at JB.

      Not spewing over $10 just yet

  • I can confirm that the year 2 pass for Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Pass activates successfully.

    This is also a Europe Only product.

    Fortune favours the brave, pity the pack is garbage when it comes to offering new content.

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