My Amaysim - Sim for Samsung Galaxy Tab. Any Opinions?

I just purchased the Samsung Galaxy Tab when telstra had them for $299 and have been looking for a plan. I also have a phone plan with telstra but have scrapped the thought of using my htc as a hotspot as the lag is unbearable!!! Changing the sims back and forth is out too. It's too much of a hassle, and I don't want to be caught dead in public when a call comes through on my samsung tab and I forget my headset and everyone gets to listen to my convo! Plus I have an ipad with a prepaid microsim that is expiring soon.

I was tossing up between renewing my ipad sim or investing in a mobile broadband service that allows up to 5 device on the connection when I'm on the move so I can use either the ipad or samsung or both when on the move. However I came across Amaysim today..and have never heard of it before, but it seemed to be endorsed by Choice.…

Link to Amaysim:

Anyone has any thoughts on that? This will be for my Samsung galaxy tab obviously as it is a normal sized sim and not a microsim. I am thinking of not renewing my ipad microsim and only using it on wifi, while using this sim for my samsung galaxy tab.

Amaysim has $9.90 1GB data packs that has an expiry of 30 days. You can choose not to have the data pack active and only subscribe when you need to..which is awesome as I might only need 3g when I travel (and I only travel about 3 times a year).. Their prepaid plan is on 90 days expiry and the minimum you have to pay is $5 upfront for it or renew in $15 blocks. $15 for 3 months is fine by me to have access to 1GB data blocks for $9.90 on demand.(You can put it on autorenew so you will never run out of 1GB data blocks, then cancel the auto renew when you don't need it anymore).

Amaysim runs on the optus network (which means my samsung galaxy tab from telstra will not get 3g when I go to remote areas…but seriously, the chances of me visiting the bush, rock climbing or tracking through the jungle is as likely as my chances of winning the jackpot gold lotto….!)

Anyway, just putting this up for thoughts. Also I noticed many people asking about what data plans they can get for their samsung galaxy tab, so I thought I'll put this out there for anyone else interested! =)


  • looks good….
    just spoke to them…

    couple of points to consider….

    your access is counted in minimum blocks of 1mb…. so each time you check emails or synch with a service, it will be 1mb…… would be wise to switch off any auto checking….

    you can only have a 1gb pack every 30 days…. so if you run out in 15 days, you cannot recharge data for another 15 days…although at 5c a mb, it's not too bad.

    the $9.90 data pack can come out of the $15 you pay for your 3 monthly recharge….so, if you recharge with $30…that's 3 data packs over 3 months, so long as you don't make calls or text, (ideal for the galaxy tab I guess), or go over your quota.

    That's how I understood it anyways :)

  • just signed up and noticed….

    Refer a Friend
    What you need to do?
    Just enter your friend's name and email. Easy.
    What will happen?
    Your friend will receive an email with an invitation from you asking them to join amaysim
    You'll both get $10 bonus credit when they receive their 1st bill or make their 1st recharge after joining >amaysim.

    If, after this post, there are a few considering using amayasim, and we were smart, we could take advantage of this by sharing email addresses and accessing via this referral program. I'm not sure how many referrals you can make, but even if it's only one…. 10 bucks is better than a poke in the eye

  • Hi andy, where did you read that you can only renew your block of 1GB data every 30 days? I think I read that if you tick autorenew in my account, it automatically renews in 1GB block for you everytime you run out. If you have that unticked it will not renew, but you get charged 5c/MB from whatever existing credit you have. I didn't even think of referring anyone.. duh. Nevermind I just hope I get it soon so I can see if I can get a smooth connection. Since it's on optus' network, I think it shouldn't be too awful. Also, I got myself an awesome phone number…! Did you choose your own number too? I didn't even have to pay any extra for that hehe =D I just entered a whole sequence of repetitive numbers and it generated this awesome number for me!

    • The guy who I spoke to on the phone said it…..

      maybe we misunderstood each other, but he certainly left me with the impression that the data pack could only be recharged after the 30 days of the original one had expired.

      i just grabbed the first number….. I'm only going to use it for data, so the number didn't really matter :)

    • ok…. found it….…

      3.1.2. If you have used up the included data volume of 1GB within a period of 30 days, all additional data usage will be charged at the normal “pay as you go” data price which has been set out in our Price List.

      When you purchase the 1GB Data Package you can activate the Automatic Renewal on Expiry option. This means that our 1GB Data Package will automatically be renewed after 30 days.

      • Now I'm confused.. Look at the quote I found below. Hrm. Think I need to call them up and confirm what the heck they really mean by that. I initially thought it meant it will auto renew on the context of either of the below happening:
        1) every 30 days due to the data allowance expiring
        2) every time you use up the data allowance it will auto renew another 1GB block.

        • It's certainly not clear……
          I suspect I would never use a gig per month anyway, so it's a bit academic really….. but you never know..

  • Here it is:
    Your data pack will last 30 days, or until you’ve used 1GB of data (whichever happens first). If you select automatic renewal, a new 1GB data pack will activate on your account; otherwise, you’ll be charged our standard rate of 5c per MB (which isn’t too shabby, either).

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