Yemeni Honey

Anybody know where I can buy these from?

I've been to a few health stores and they only sell manuka honey.

Any trusted online stores which supply this?


  • I've heard a lot of good stuff about Manuka honey. (Dad is a bit of a health nut)..
    But have never heard of Yemeni honey.
    What's the health benefits of Yemeni or can you point out some worthy articles for me to read about it?


  • I have only just heard about yemeni honey also. Did abit of reading and the health benefits are a bit more beneficial than manuka.

    After reading the articles made me want to give it a go over manuka. Haven't used either one previously. girlfriend is turning me into a health nut and introducing me to all these products I never knew existed.

    Here is one I just found online, can't remember which other articles I've read. Just do google search.…

    Feel free to share any other products you've used and benefited from

  • Sounds impressive. Now I want to find some just to have a taste of it.
    I use manuka honey. Really like its taste.. Now I want to track down some Yemen honey so I could have a taste since the article you posted says it tastes superior :p

    I also drink goat's milk over cow's milk due to my lactose intolerance (it is an acquired taste but I really like it). It's long known that goat's milk is better than cow's milk, but the smell can be horrendous to newcomers, but since I've been drinking since I was a kid, I have often enjoyed the taste and find it to be richer and tastier than cow's milk!…

    I also consume omega 3 and vitamin D daily.
    Think that's all I do. I'm pretty mild in the health department.

    You need to consult my dad. He's the health nut. Not I! lol

    He's now on a vegan diet….influenced by Bill Clinton and swears by it…!
    I'll die if I don't eat meat for a week…! :p

  • Yeah i really wana try it out. Just dont know where to get some. Apart from some dodgy looking websites. Which i might jist have to trust.

    Apple cider vinegar is what ivr been taking

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