Looking to Build My First Gaming PC $1500 - $2000

Hi, I am looking to build my first gaming PC but have no real good place to start. I thought about getting a custom built from PLE but a lot of places online seem to recommend building over buying one. Anyway, I want either a system that would run games at 1080p with the option to go up to 1440p in the future. In terms of games, I generally play already on the console its things like GTA V, Hitman, Hitman 2, Far Cry, FIFA, NBA2K, Forza, and Madden as well as the possibility in being able to play games from the 360/PS3 period assuming they have a PC version.


  • I'd start reading here. I'm assuming you need everything including monitor and keyboard/mouse. You should skip the 1080 and go straight to a 27" 1440 imo. It's a lot of fun choosing your parts and building a system yourself but it's not for everyone, there are some good pre-built systems out there but you have patience you'll be fine. I'd recommend Intel/Nvidia systems for processor/GPU.

  • I have considered going for a pre-built from PLE and odds are I probably just get one of their pre-built as my first system. Its just everyone seems to say build your own since it saves money and people say its more rewarding. I probably wont go crazy with a mouse/keyboard combo since I will be using an Xbox One controller because I have never been comfortable with the mouse/keyboard combo.

    • xbox one controller is great for some RPG games but try to use the mouse and keyboard setup for others. You will pretty much be decimated in any FPS on PC if you try to use an xbox one controller

      It takes some time and practice to master but it is worth it

      Get a decent mechanical keyboard and a solid feeling mouse with a big pad and you'll be comfortable with it in no time

  • +1

    https://www.ple.com.au/Products/623655/PLE-Watchman-AMD-Comp… seems like the best prebuilt option they have for you

    • Weirdly enough I already had this one open in another tab.

      • Out of three similarly priced builds this one has a rtx 2070 which is 34% faster than the gtx 1070 according to https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2070-vs-Nvi… which the other 2 have. All builds would probably play the games you want but it's good to have more power incase you find something you enjoy in the future. Plus they cost the same.

        • I would probably just increase the storage from a 1TB HDD to either 2 or 3TB.

  • the possibility in being able to play games from the 360/PS3 period assuming they have a PC version.

    There are both xbox 360 and PS3 emulators that can run a host of games well. There is constant development for these emulators.

    With the games you are playing, you can get by with a smaller budget and still have a great system that handles everything well.

    Just plug the PC into your TV via HDMI if you are going to be using it for gaming and youtube. A cheap wireless keyboard and mouse will tie you over for all the simple computer functions.

    • I wouldn't be bothering with emulating games from that period though I might with some PS2 titles. I was more asking about the PC versions since there seem to be issues with running older games on Windows 10.

  • One sec, sorry

    • +1

      Here yah go

      PCPartPicker part list: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/DrfMHh
      Price breakdown by merchant: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/DrfMHh/by_merchant/

      CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($254.00 @ Austin Computers)
      Motherboard: MSI - B450 GAMING PRO CARBON AC ATX AM4 Motherboard ($229.00 @ PLE Computers)
      Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($171.71 @ Amazon Australia)
      Storage: Samsung - 860 Evo 500 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($125.00 @ Umart)
      Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($54.50 @ Shopping Express)
      Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB OC Video Card ($579.00 @ Mwave Australia)
      Case: Cooler Master - MasterCase H500 ATX Mid Tower Case ($149.00 @ Mwave Australia)
      Power Supply: Corsair - TXM Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($119.00 @ Austin Computers)
      Monitor: AOC - Q3279VWF 31.5" 2560x1440 75 Hz Monitor ($291.00 @ Skycomp Technology)
      Total: $1972.21
      Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
      Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-19 18:12 AEDT+1100

      Included a monitor, because that appears to be all you're missing?

      Not to much effort to slash the price from the build I've been making (on pc part picker :/) suprisingly. Rtx 2060, smaller PSU, stock cooler and some different ram…but that's irrelevant. This'll be more then enough for you.

      Hitting the top of your budget, but it'll be worthwhile for 1440p.

      I tried to fit a 1440p 144hz monitor in, so you could either play 1440p or 144hz depending on the game. Unfortunately, budget didn't feel like budging. You could probably fit it in, but the sacrifices you'd make would probably result in a build that couldn't use the monitor.

      You could go for a 144hz monitor…but honestly 75hz will be a big enough difference already. 1440p will add to that.

      Something to note, a few sites (mwave and umart at the least) will build the system for you. For both of these sites, it should be something you add to the cart with all your parts. Overpriced IMO, but if you want to spend $100 - $150 for a few hours convenience feel free.


      • So if I did decide to go for this build how many years would I get out of it on 1080p vs. 1440p?

        Also, how would this compare to the PLE pre-built that was linked a few posts above?

        • how many years would I get out of it on 1080p vs. 1440p?

          No one can say for sure. It depends on the game.

          PLE is just the box, he has included the monitor.

          • @ozhunter: The fact the build list has a monitor included for just under $2000 is really swaying me toward this.

        • Eh, 2070s are terrible value compared to 2060s. A tiny bit of extra performance for a lot of money.

          You'd also be losing out on a monitor
          and 260gb of storage with that PC.

          That said, if you're set on a pre-built it's pretty much what you'd expect for retail price. If you could find a PC with a 2060 I'd go for that, but that one'd be fine.

          As for resolution… pretty much just that 1440p looks better then 1080p. There's not necessarily a future proofing with it, that'd be how long your GPU could run new games at that resolution.

          • @N1NJ4W4RR10R: The fact I can get all of it plus the monitor for just a tad under $2000 is pretty good for me and if there isn't a whole lot more benefit in paying extra for a 2070 then it also is putting me toward the build you suggested.

            • +1

              @AirJordanFan93: 2070 is around 20% better than the 2060 but cost 38% more(that's comparing the cheapest ones at PLE)

            • @AirJordanFan93: Alternatively, I just saw this deal.


              You'd probably want to up the PSU to something a bit more reliable, throw in some extra storage. But that's…$260~ at most. Maybe also throw in some extra RAM.

              Throw in a monitor like the one I put up above, and you've got a fairly nice PC for what you'll be using it for, with 2 monitors (productivity!) At a fairly decent price. Overall it'd be…

              $1.1k, $130, $60, $80, $300. That's $1.67k~. Hell, throw in some more RAM, $80. Still under.

              I think the only thing you'd really be losing is CPU overclocking, but that'll be fine.

              Give that a thought anyways.

              • @N1NJ4W4RR10R: I have considered getting from Techfast as well but got the impression the machines they sell on eBay were more budget type.

                • @AirJordanFan93: I've found they're pretty good if you're fine with some lower end parts (specifically mobo) and lower brand stuff (though it seems they're generally pretty good there).

                  I'll double check the parts they list as using for this PC, but if you're fine with the upgrades I mentioned above it's a pretty nice deal.

                  • @N1NJ4W4RR10R: After double checking parts, looks like the only really iffy brand for important stuff is biostar. No experience with them.

                    Galax is apparently a fine brand (as per that 2080 galax thread), and I believe colourful is a big brand in China (no experience with em though).

      • +1

        You can get a cheap w10 oem off the internet if you don't already have a retail version.

        • Yup. Alternatively you could also stick to the unactivated version. Regardless, don't pay $150 for it.

          • +1

            @N1NJ4W4RR10R: Oh I know enough sites that sell cheap windows keys. I wouldn't pay them full price for one.

      • Dont forget to add operating system to this price and keyboard/mouse. Also speakers and or gaming headset.

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