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Star Wars The Black Series Imperial Stormtrooper Helmet $102.13 + Delivery (Free with Amazon Prime) @ Amazon US via Amazon AU

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Previously only available vie the Amazon US website with horrendous shipping fees. Discovered it today with free shipping with Amazon Prime which makes it a bargain in my opinion. These are the original Hasbro helmets.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +21

    These aren’t the helmets you’re looking for.

    • +1

      High-quality film reference. Have an upvote!

  • Good one, thanks :)

  • +4

    Having seen the movies I feel I must warn people that if a feather lands on your head while wearing one of these you will most likely die as they and the armour appear to serve no use full purpose except to make you an easier target

    • +7

      Possibly the worst camouflage choice if you happen to be stationed on a forest world like Endor.

      • Field of vision is a concern too.

    • +2

      Works well if you bang your head on the door when storming a control room.

      • Spoken like a true fan!

  • +1

    Are these any good? Well built? The inner child in me says I need this 😂

    • The force is strong with this helmet.

    • I don’t have this one (yet), but I do have the Vader.

      It’s very good.

      And yes, we both need this.

      • I've watched vader with stormtrooper but seems odd

        would love to see one on vader with phasma instead

    • I have one myself, its not entirely film accurate (for some reason they decided to sculpt in the blue vertical lines on the side), but the build quality is quite nice. I pretty sure it would not pass 501st requirements for trooping though, but as a display piece in the house its nice.

    • +2

      These are actually quite good.
      The voice changer is garbage, but the helmet itself is well put together.
      As others have said, not 100% movie accurate; but pretty darn close.
      FYI, these are currently available at Zing/EB Games for $128.

  • +5

    What if you're a little short to be a Storm Trooper?

    • You turn around and close the door on the rude person calling you short. Rule number 1) Don't offend your rescuers before they've rescued you.

  • +2

    Just remember to duck.

  • +3

    Just got one, I hope it’s certified to ride motorcycles in Australia

    • Well that's A New Hope with an unfortunately sad ending I'm predicting.
      These helmets are not force resistant… be it bitumen or Jedi mind trick.

  • based on the movies i assume visability through these things is awful, they couldnt hit anything with there blasters

  • Why not sell the complete suit. Wonder how much that be

    • At least 1k

  • FFS..

  • Thanks OP - I've been looking for a trooper helmet to go alongside my Don Post Vader helmet. In a storage crate so the kid can't get it :|

    Cashrewards brings it to $97, which feels much cheaper.

  • I'm not convinced this would fit on my massive heed

  • Would this be too big for a 9yo child?

    • Not if you are a fan of Bobble Heads :)

  • I can imagine this siting with my collection of military headgear…. :P

  • If stormtroopers were accurate, it would be a short movie. with no sequels.

    or prequels

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