The front right corner gutter of my house has a down pipe hole (only) and missing a down pipe due to negligence by previous owner and age of the house. During rain/storms, the water used to pour down straight to the front and seep into the bottom of the house. I have temporarily blocked it and currently the storm water drains out of the other 3 down pipes around the house. However, I want to connect a down pipe at the front to prevent any gutter overflow as we are approaching Autumn soon.
Recently called a plumber to try and connect it to the storm water drain, we had a look around and the only closest storm water drain hole is on the side and quite far from the front gutter down pipe hole. Adding a new storm drain hole would be hard, because the previous owner has concreted the side of the house. Hence, the plumber suggested to fix a down pipe and run another long pipe along the side of the fence and divert it into the front yard garden (around 10 feet away from the house). There is also concern that there will be a pool of water in the front of the garden. It should not be an issue for my neighbor as we have a raised level of soil away from the front yard garden on either side of our properties.
Is this is legal and is council approval required in order?
If anyone could suggest a better method would be much appreciated.
Legally, no. Rainwater gutters (from memory - don't quote me) have to be connected to stormwater drains to comply with building regulations.
Instead of a new stormwater drain hole, why not just add piping to connect that downpipe to the existing one, if you're going to be running pipes anyway?