Dual-pack: 2x 50m. Half price. Not in catalog. Made in Ireland. More expensive at CW.
Possibly better than this deal, and this deal (Made in Malaysia).
There, a deal post for all my groupies.
Dual-pack: 2x 50m. Half price. Not in catalog. Made in Ireland. More expensive at CW.
Possibly better than this deal, and this deal (Made in Malaysia).
There, a deal post for all my groupies.
Thankyou. I prefer this as i can keep one at home and one in the car. Cheers
100m? Must have big teeth. I usually only use 5-6cm.
Trivia: How many do you need to encircle the earth’s equator?
Around 400,750 packs, give or take.
Can't believe i logged in to say that.
Did you consider the mountains and buildings along the equator?
You can take that up with Google.
@donotuse: Almost certainly not, but it wouldn't impact the figures much unless you want to crawl around every grain of sand.
@[Deactivated]: The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. The earth is flat.
@donotuse: repeating false opinions doesn't make you correct
repeating false opinions doesn't make you correct
repeating false opinions doesn't make you correct
repeating false opinions doesn't make you correct
FYI, the Flat Earth Society has various members from all around the globe!
Depends where did you consider the boundary of earth could be just the stratosphere so no mountains or and level. Haha
Or if you’re allowed to pass the floss through tunnels.
Interesting fact: it's quite difficult to tie knots in dental floss. Whatever it's made from, it is very slippery, and most knots just slide apart. Just try to make a loop of dental floss, tying the ends together with a reef knot, and pull on the loop. The ends easily slide through the knot.
I only know this because I like to tie the floss in a loop, so it doesn't slip out of my fingers while I'm using it. I've found that tying figure-8 knots on both ends, and then using a reef knot to make the loop, works. The reef knot still slips, but it usually stops slipping once the figure-8 knots jam up against the reef knot.
There was a thing that you could use which had thread pull along 2 points just like in those disposable flossers. No need to wrap around fingers and you could use over and over again, but I can't find it anywhere to buy. It was brilliant, but seems it's not sold anywhere now.
I've got one of those, this is the one I bought, but I bought it at an Australian chemist shop:
I found that floss stretches while you are using it, so after you're half-way through your mouth, you have to undo and re-do the fastening. Also I found the tool more difficult to use than fingers. Hence my strategy of using a loop, so I don't have to garotte my fingers. I use roughly 30cm of floss to make the loop,so this deal should give me 333 days of flossing per 100m pack, under one cent per floss.
Ours looked more like a small cordless toothbrush, not like a rake. Now if they put some clips on it so the floss stays put, would be a great invention.
Two lifetime supplies of dental floss for less than $3.
I guess you don't floss
More like two months worth and with change left over in your pocket from having good oral hygiene and not being taken to the cleaners with your dentist bill.
This has been my favourite deal all year!
Great deal op :)
Good deal but product isn't great. I find Oral-B floss shreds during use and gets stuck in your teeth. I am going back to Colgate (unless anyone has any better suggestions)
Buy whatever one is half price or stock up or both.
Thanks. Will opt for the stock up option if my local Chemist Warehouse has some in store.
I prefer the Oral B Glide or maybe Satin tape . They are also half price.
Bought this a while ago at $3.40. I thought that was a deal!
thanks op. Wasn't on Coles catalogues so I didn't bother to look at. bought two.
I don't mean to brag, but i have won both a 'First Post Wonder' and 'Popular Deal' badge.
Thank you.
Aaaand you just did 👌
As I purchased a lifetime supply of these last night I briefly contemplated posting this deal to ozbargain but dismissed the thought on the premise that nobody shared my enthusiasm for dental floss. Now I see what an idiot I was. The glory could have been mine!!
As I purchased a lifetime supply of these last night I briefly contemplated posting this deal to ozbargain but dismissed the thought on the premise that nobody shared my enthusiasm for dental floss. Then i changed my mind, proving that with time i generally become less of an idiot. The glory is mine, all mine i say!!
BTW these do kind of date - in terms of dry out. I set my lifetime on this occasion to about 4x packs + one of each of the other ones.
Freeze them :)
Does anyone actually prefer the Coles brand version of this? The tape is more of a ribbon and I think it cleans better.
Actually looks like all Oral-B items are half price at Coles "excluding power brush refills & clearance items".