This was posted 6 years 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1] The Witcher III GOTY Edition - $23.99 @ (Gold Subscription Required)

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Game speaks for itself.

Requires any Xbox Gold subscription to purchase at this price - this includes 2, 3, 7 and 14-day trials typically found in some Xbox One game cases.

Download size is 39.91GB.

NOTE: The save files between the regular and GOTY editions of the game are NOT transferable - meaning if you started the game on the regular edition and want to continue on the GOTY edition, you'll need to start again as the latter cannot read the former's save file.

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closed Comments

  • 1) If I cancel my Xbox Gold subscription after I buy this game, will I keep this game?

    2) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt standard edition is cheaper @ $16.64 but missing expansions and DLCs. Are they worth the extra $7.35?
    The Hearts of Stone Expansion
    The Blood and Wine Expansion
    16 free DLCs

    • +5

      The expansions are almost full games. They are a MUST.

    • +3

      Yes you still keep the game. You only need an active sub to keep playing the Xbox Live Gold free games.

    • +1

      1) If I cancel my Xbox Gold subscription after I buy this game, will I keep this game?


      The subscription is only required just to purchase at the discounted rate - similar to VIP prices at other shops like Anaconda, Kathmandu, Ikea, etc.

  • +1

    praise geraldo

  • +4

    i've played it for a few hours but couldn't get myself into it. i stopped playing since then. is it just me or?
    p.s. i bought this game (digital version) ages ago through ps store at similar price, but don't have it anymore since i sold my ps4

    • +3

      The popular opinion on Witcher 3 is that it's one of the best games of all time & the user reviews & awards show it, but everyone has a different taste. For example I think the Fallout games are really not that good, they're just not for me but everyone else seems to be happy with them and the critics seem to love them. I also feel the same about Dark Souls (yes call me a noob) yet everyone else seems to think that they are great. I think they have clunky movement and poor mechanics.
      Witcher 3 does have quite a bit of flaws that are overlooked. I for one found the signs and bombs to be useless and in general the game was just easy as hell - unlike TW2. In TW2 you actually have to play like a Witcher because if you try and play it hack and slash then you will be screwed, but in TW3 you can play hack and slash+quen and get away with it easily, I think the combat should be balanced in a way that it forces you to use everything at your disposal.

      • there are comparisons between this and assassin's creed odyssey. assume they share certain similarities. i spent near 200 hours in odyssey while tried hard but couldn't get my head into this.

  • Try to find it second hand if you prefer hard copy - no download codes, it's all contained within a disc. I was lucky enough to pick this edition up for $10 haha

    • $10 at Big W?

      • There was a deal a few months back. Some got lucky. I didn't.

  • +2

    Can get it from the Argentina store for ~$12 worth of gift cards and no VPN required.

    • you cant buy argie gift cards at face value - its a 30% markup -so please clarify. thanks

      • Ok, I will clarify ~$12 worth of gift cards.

        Game is $169.20ARS

        A $100ARS gift card = ~$6

        • thanks but at which online card store…

          • +2

            @petry: I have bought a heap from:

            However, do your own research and another note is some people have had issues with that site accepting their payment. I had no issues using Paypal.

            With the giftcard method always think of it as how much you need to spend on cards rather than any conversion figure. Some rough good prices right now are-
            Metro Exodus ~ $35
            Dirt Rallky 2.0 Deluxe preorder: ~ $35
            Trials Rising Gold preorder: ~ $35
            Rock Band DLC: ~$1.35 a song

            It's not a ruile that everything is cheap, some of their titles are just unders even at the %100 markup.

            • @bxpressiv: good job - yeah I've used sea gamer..

              all you left out was the game comparison site for the monthly regional offers lol

              • @petry: They keep cycling stock even when they run out and I redeem the codes straight away and had no problems. The best value right now, not that I'm getting it is Metro Exodus Gold- even with marked up cards it's about $45. Or you can get it form the Australian store for $132.45. Bargain!

                There's a few comparison sites, I've been using this one though:

                Like I said though, don't use their currency converter, think of it in terms of how much AUD it will take to buy the cards.

                • @bxpressiv: Can you link to a guide how you do this? I only find people saying it doesn't work anymore.

                  • @J6: Buy cards >
                    change region on the Xbox console to Argentina >
                    restart >
                    On the store page redeem the code/s you purchased >
                    Buy the game (you will need to input your Argentina address- first time only) >
                    Change your region back to Australia and enjoy.

                    When buying the game you will see the credit you purchased as the payment method.

                    • @bxpressiv: If I just go to microsoft store argentina on pc would I be able to see correct prices? The price for metro exodus seems to be what you said. I'm after the division 2 but it seems to be more expensive than amazon unfortunately

                      • @Ritchma: Yup, you're correct. It's a case by case basis- particularly with sellers charging 100% premium on gift cards some games are more expensive.

                    • @bxpressiv: When was the last time you did this? Many people say it was patched recently. Thanks.

                      • @J6: Thursday night I bought a few things.

                    • @bxpressiv: Where do we have to change the address?
                      I Purchased the cards and changed my location to Argentina when I want to buy the game it says contact Microsoft

                    • @bxpressiv: here do we have to change the address?
                      I Purchased the cards and changed my location to Argentina when I want to buy the game it says contact Microsoft

                      • +1

                        @Sasha mg: Easiest way is to add a credit/debit card to your Microsoft account on a computer. I'm guessing you only have one address on your billing so it's defaulting to that. Did you redeem the credits?

                        • @bxpressiv: Yeah I did redeem and it’s in my account now
                          But when I want to but it is says contact Microsoft

    • wish it is for ps4

  • +1

    Microsoft bury games with gold discounts cuz they don't appear under sale. Seems dumb to me… vampyr is also well priced currently

  • What’s the average gameplay time to complete this just on standard run through story mode and not completing everything?

    • +1
      • +1

        Thanks for that. I didn’t know that site existed!

    • Depends on what kind of player you are. My first playthrough took 50 for the base game and 80 with the expansions. I did miss some quests and I skipped gwent entirely. In my second playthrough I completed all quests but since I had already played it, I rushed a lot of the contracts etc so completing almost everything in the base game + expansions took me 100 hours. I know people who have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours on this game, so it all depends on what kind of player you are.

  • +1

    One of the best games this gen. Don't think, just buy.

  • I've heard nothing but good things about this game, will I be lost though if I haven't ever played the first 2 games?

    • They give you a narrative to follow at the start of the game so you wont' be lost as to what you're doing. It's a pretty simple game and I found it much easier to get into compared to most RPGs (if you can even call this game an RPG) - even though I hadn't played 1 & 2. I started with three which I regret because I just couldn't get into the first two games. I'm not one who likes playing older games and TW1 was just painful for me, TW2 was a lot better and held up fine in the graphics department too but I sadly lost my save so I just quit.
      I did watch a quick youtube summary of the events of the first two games before playing TW3 but I really don't think it matters much.

  • I need the $10 one

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