This was posted 6 years 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4/XB1] Anthem $48 (Console) / $55 (PC) + Shipping (Free over $49 Spend or Prime) @ Amazon AU

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Amazon finally price matched Gamesmen. Servers are live now if people want to check out early impressions.

Update: price drop on console editions of the game to $48 Do note that shipping costs apply when items in your cart are less than $49.

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closed Comments

  • Nice. My existing pre-order benefits!

  • +7

    I thought delivery would have been free regardless of Prime status because >$49 usually qualifies for free shipping, no?

    • +2

      oh yes my bad. was used to typing it.

  • should I?

    • +46

      lol no

      this game is a dumpster fire

      limited scope of exploration and riddled with microtransactions

      the only anthem is the song the EA execs will sing after you contribute to their bonuses

      • +1

        Lel dumpster fire, have an upvote

    • +15

      +flying is ultra fun
      +gorgeous looking
      -gunplay sucks
      -spongey enemies
      -bad UI/controls
      -combos are a gimmick
      -ultra long loadscreens

      It takes the worst from destiny and warframe. Don't preorder - it'll be $20 in a month.

      • +1

        Ye I think im gonna wait till this is on sale.

      • +1

        Learned my lesson from bfv. Even though that’s my most played game this year, the game was going for 50% off within a couple weeks of launch.

      • -2

        You really need to explain why each of these are bad.

        • Loadscreens while painful, are not ultra long, they were in the demo but they improved this for release.
          Lets compare: Destiny 2 has some really long load screens - have you ever tried to get into the Citadel? Sometimes it takes 3-5 minutes! They do not have seamless transition into instancing, but this is because the whole world is a single instance, so i suspect the annoying loads is when you go into Caves/Dungeons.

        • Gunplay - This is hard to say with low level weapons, the guns improve with levels, I suspect its not as good as Destiny but better than Mass Effect.

        • Spongey Enemies - I think you mean enemies can take a lot of damage? Hmmm, it's just a different style, I think the AI can be improved, but again will need to see as the game progresses.

        • Combos are a gimmick - nah, they add fun and allow you to work on how to use your abilities, otherwise it would be ability SPAM in no order. Combos need planning (in your loadout) and thought in how you use them with your team.

        • +2

          Found the fanboy

      • Graphics downgraded significantly

      • +1

        This is the best summary of the game ive ever seen.

    • May as well play Bioware's last game before they get shutdown because EA's latest attempt to jump on the "games as a live service" bandwagon fails miserably like everything else. Remember this is the business that is so greedy that it managed to screw up frikkin Star Wars.

  • +9

    Game will be $39 two weeks after launch. Good deal for new though.

    • Not if it's a success. I remember red dead going on sale quite a few times before release but after launch I don't remember it going on sale (cheaper than the pre-release price) even once!. I think this game will be overhyped at launch but after that it will just die off completely.

      • +5

        Rockstars a bit like Nintendo though in that their game prices always remain high. GTA V continues to be an expensive game to pick up even when on sale.

        At this point I’m a bit surprised at how little hype there is for this game given it had a solid E3 last year. To me it feels like it’s dropped off the radar a bit. Guess we’ll see how it fares in a weeks time.

        • there is an unbelievable amount of hype from what i've seen.

    • Hope so XD

  • Pretty good price. I played the Beta. I wasn’t expecting much, but it was pretty fun. Hopefully they can optimise it a little further.

  • +24

    Don't pre-order…………………….

  • +7

    Definitely don't pre-order, the game doesn't seem in any way optimised.

  • +23

    In case anyone is wondering - Pre ordering has been encouraging these big gaming companies to release unfinished, buggy half-games. Please dont pre-order games, ever. Otherwise you are just part of the problem.

  • +2

    This game is going to flop, it really doesn't have much going for it after the initial flying around freshness wears off.

  • Early access is tomorrow for people with Origin Access so you'll know all about the game a week before release.

    • Whats even worse than preordering… Origin Access

  • +11

    Played the demo on PC. The game felt nowhere near finished, more like 60-70%. Don't preorder.

    • +1

      I also played the demo . I reckon the the actual game was fun .It was all the crap in between that killed it and there were quite a few unpolished parts that were totally broken .
      I hope it ends up rocking , but in it's current state it's out of order .

    • Motion blur on everything killed it, weird looking engine

      • +1

        On PC, you literally couldn't click on menu items you could see, enemies teleporting out, random crashes. According to the Digital Foundry video above, PC is the better of the 3 versions.

    • +2

      Game very unpolished and graphics have been downgraded significantly. Felt like they needed another year to make this a great game. Gameplay is just flying from one point to another and killing a large group of cannon fodder enemies. When you shoot at targets they don’t react at all very spongey

      World design is horrible and unpolished loading screens every few minutes. This game will be bargain bin in just a few months just watch, hype is dead

  • +1

    Don't do it

  • Im am a sucker for this kind of game, most most likely get it but still going to wait for reviews.

  • +1

    Just pay the $20 for Origin Premium and play it for a month.

    • -2

      could be wrong but dont think you can keep playing the game when its fully released just because you have origin premium

      • Yeah as long as you're a member you can play the game.

        • Oh my bad thought U needed to buy the game and get origin premium

    • This is exactly what I did. Been playing since this morning and for 20 Australian dollars it's extremely good. When Division 2 comes out in a month, if I want to switch over, I'll just cancel my Origin Access Premier subscription.

  • Apex legends gonna kill this game.

  • +5

    Pre order = no

    EA games = NO

    • +7

      Pre-order EA games = Big NO NO

    • I thought the anti-EA circlejerk died down a bit. What was wrong with Titanfall? And Dragon Age? and Battlefield? and Apex Legends?

      • EA try to make MONEY off their CUSTOMERS, and it's WRONG

  • +1

    Looks like all platforms are $55 not just PC. I'm in the wait and see boat personally. Will probably buy it in 6 months once it's had some improvements made and it's $20.

  • +1

    Apex Legends and Anthem are not the same type of game, why do people think Apex Legends will eat into Anthem?

    • Noobs :)
      I for one couldn't care less what others think. Alrdy pre ordered seems fun :)

      • +1

        Reason publishers get away with poor games, Exhibit A: Oaf throwing their money at pre-order for a game that is demonstrably not finished

        • -6

          It is smarter actually since more players playing the game earlier means they find the bug themselves and report on it and hence the game gets bug free faster. Make a game yourself next time and good luck fixing all the bugs yourself in a timely manner.

          • +5

            @firsttimeuser7: Thank you for paying to bug test the game. I'm glad people like you value neither your time nor money. It will be better for others when they buy a finished game later.

            • -6

              @captaincabinets: Good luck finding a game this big bug free 100%. Also this just shows you have no appreciation for game companies and their hard work put in.

              • +3

                @firsttimeuser7: I've spent probably $600 on my favourite online MOBA game over 6 years. I probably buy another 5-10 games per year, some immediately after release, some when they go on sale. I appreciate the effort developers (like two of my friends) put in, and reward them with my money.

                What I don't do is pay full, or close to full price for games that are clearly not even close to finished. I'm not looking for a mythical bug free game, I'm looking for a 99.9% complete game. Anthem isn't even close.

                • @captaincabinets: 55 is no way close to full price hence why this is a bargain especially for the preorder bonus.

                  • @firsttimeuser7: what pre-order bonus? there is none

                    • @deathjr: Pre order bonus for standard edition and the dawn of legion. It's a unique founder border and a weapon plus some skins.

    • well Apex is free to play…

      • So are many games, and I'm not sure why Apex Legends would affect Anthem more than any other game on sale right now.

        • -2

          Have you checked out Anthem early access?

          Have you checked out Apex Legends review?

          • +2

            @Casual9999: I think it's more like you haven't really done your research on anthem

          • -1

            @Casual9999: I've played both, I'm not discussing which is better, I'm discussing how they are two different types of games. Apex Legends is a multiplayer only Battle Royale game like Fortnite or PUBG while Anthem is single player action role playing game with co-operative combat.

            Two different types of games, Apex Legends will not eat into Anthem sales.

            • @FabMan: They are two different games and you can get both since apex is free which is noway conflicting with ur decision on buying Anthem.

            • -1

              @FabMan: Some people dont have time to play too many games at once,
              between a new-broken-will-fix-later-but-we-still-want-your-money-lol game and a new-working-free-to-play game, which one they might play first?

              • -1

                @Casual9999: Very true, but typically people have a preference of games, one is an RPG and one is a Battle Royal. I don't like Battle Royals so whether I play Anthem isn't based on Apex Legends, I'm not alone in this.

              • @Casual9999: Who said Anthem was a broken game? You? They are both looking to be good games and Anthem demo was not even the full game it was a 7 weeks ago version if I remember correctly and the launch Anthem version will certainly be more bug free since 7 weeks is alot of time to fix bugs and add new content, all according to YourAnthem a YouTuber on one of hes latest video a few days ago.

  • -6

    Yeah don't preorder. Let us get way ahead and when PvP comes newcomers will be eaten alive by us long term players :D

    • Also they don't get the cool founder border!

  • +19

    I know it’s OzBargain and cheaper is better, but if we don’t buy from sites like The Gamesmen who are discounting products they will disappear. Then Amazon won’t have to match anyone and we will all be worse off. If you can reward those that drop the price in the first place, it will encourage more companies to do it, rather than rewarding price matching from the big boys.

    • Thats true af dude now i feel bad for buying from Amazon. Next time i guess.

    • +3

      You gotta admit tho, these same sites would sell new releases at $99 if they could.

    • Remember that Amazon are known to be predatory in their pricing. In the US, they severely undercut Toys R Us’ prices to drive them out of business (even by losing money on it).

      Soon enough, they’ll do the same here

      • Toys R Us had a lot more (poor financial management) issues aside from Amazon that can be found with about 30 seconds on Google.

      • I remember toys r us being severely overpriced like seven years ago when amazon wasn't the huge monopoly it is today. it's not really amazon's fault they were so expensive.

    • I try to buy from my local ebgames as it keeps folks employed but they refuse to match amazon :/ and they started to give me hard time price matching major discounts from bigw

      But where I can I always go to ebgames

    • If I could get them from the Gamesmen with free 2-day shipping, I would.
      Since they don't offer either, (any) game is essentially $8-10 more expensive from them with a 3-6 day delivery window for where I live.
      Gamesmen often sell games for above market value when they can get away with it, anyway.

  • Thanks OP looks like it is $55 on Xbox as well.

  • +2

    Same kinda price drop for preorder happened with fallout 76, look how that turned out..

  • +2

    Do you know what, I was all ready to hate on this game. But damn. So fun.

    • Playing on EA access got a code for $5 for the month and can play it for 10 hours, I’m only about 1 hour in, but people need to chill on the hate.

  • Hang on, this is getting delivered physically, so do you not get the digital code emailed to you? That means potentially delayed 1-2 days after release date before you can play

    • Amazon typically post the game 1-2 days before release date. All stores receive games early, but have a strict embargo on them.

      • +1

        Only with Prime or if you pay for expedited, they'll only send it on release day or later otherwise in my experience.

        • Even with Prime they do still miss release dates. There's a bunch of us who ordered Metro Exodus on here which was supposed to be delivered on Friday..

  • Did EA headshot themselves with a wingman ( OP hand gun from Apex ) ?

  • OK so I took a punt and pre-ordered via Amazon, got the code, redeemed the code via Origin Client… spent the last hour trying to figure out how to download the demo. All the FAQs say to click on the 'Try it first' button on the anthem game page, however, all I see is 'Watch the demo'… Am I missing something?

    I've read that you can just pre-order and cancel the order once you've redeemed the code, but honestly I don't want to do that but it's looking like I have no choice. Ideally i want to try it and see if it runs ok on my current system and see if the game is hyped up to be. Any clues how to download the demo?

    • +1

      Are you talking about the demo? That was 2 weeks ago or so. If you want to play today you'll have to get the origin subscription thing (origin access or premium I think)

    • +1

      You need an origin membership. I believe basic gets you 10 hours of gameplay until release and premier lets you play it as much as you want. The demo is over.

      • +1

        Ah snap, late to the scene as always. thanks

  • +2

    EA used to be my favourite publisher especially with their Need For Speed games. In fact they used to be the only publisher to make arcade racing games that I enjoyed (NFS, Burnout etc). Haven’t bought any of their games in a long time as the quality fell down.

    Fun fact: Did you know the CEO of EA is an Australian - Andrew Wilson. Makes more money than the BHP CEO too.

    • Jesus thanks for that. Thats amazing, from Geelong! Cant believe it!.

  • Not sure about this, maybe when it's $10.

  • Still boycotting EA, seeing their stocks drop was priceless

  • Having seen the game run for the past 24 hours since it was out on early access - it's a hot mess.

    The reviews are going to obliterate this game. Don't be surprised when it's down to $30 in a couple of weeks.

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