Pretty self-explanatory, buy one Marvel or Star Wars bluray and get one free. Doesn't include Antman and the Wasp alas.
Marvel Blu-Rays Buy 1 Get 1 Free @ Big W

Last edited 15/02/2019 - 20:55
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So much for Captain Obvious
And to think, the poster's name ;)
Edit: Ah, beaten to it :P
Here I was trying to put some mystery, some adventure in your life! :-p
Twas/twis at Big W.
I was going to guess BigW, if you zoom in onto the right hand corner and then sharpen the image and then zoom some more you can see the reflection of the sales assistant on the price tag and then zoom in onto their shirt you can clearly see “BigW”
Is that you Horatio?
Turn 180 degrees.
capeshit and star wars
no deal
what's the price?
Varies, most seem to be around the $20-25 mark, which isn't bad for two films.
…so between $10 to $12.50 each assuming you get matching price for both…nice….
Disney trash.
Let the negs rain down.
Serious question. If Disney is trash, what are you into then? Looking for stuff to watch.
Non comic book movies. Marvel always been mass produced garbage. DC was good with the Batman Begins trilogy, but have since been shit too.
Still like actual DC comic books but. However, Marvel is too kiddy for me.
Not a fan of DC comics. Their characters are too perfect. And those names.
That said though, The Flash and Green Lantern are pretty good. Probably the only 2 DC characters I like. Not a fan of Batman, but that Dark Knight trilogy and Batman the Animated Series where amazing.
I agree that Marvel movies are mass produced. But they're mass produced really well. In the comics, the writers have fun with the characters and they don't take themselves too seriously. And the heroes get beat up a lot, and that makes them more relateable.
DC seem to focus more on the powers and abilities and Marvel focus on their characters' flaws. Currently watching Titans on Netflix. At least it's better than Iron Fist.
Any idea if 4K blu-rays are included?
As far as I'm aware, just regular.
Not explanatory enough lol, which store?