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[VIC] Gloomhaven $170, Azul $45, Codesnames $20, Catan $50 (In Store Only) @ Gameology, Clayton South Warehouse (Melbourne)


Prepare yourselves for Gameology's first warehouse sale of 2019!

The BBQ, board games and beats are back by popular demand, but with a bigger range and even better prices!
Don't forget to click attending and invite your friends.

We are located at 12 Eileen Rd, Clayton South, Melbourne. The sale runs from 10am-5pm. Last year we had crowds lining up from 7am!

We have 500+ titles on sale but some of the notable bargains we have released ahead of our price list drop:

Popular Titles
• Azul: $45
• Codenames: $20
• Who's the Dude: $10
• Gloomhaven: $170 (Limited Stock)
• Agricola: $55
• Watch Ya' Mouth: $19
• POKÉMON Sun & Moon Guardians Rising Booster Box: $98
• POKÉMON Steam Siege Booster Box: $90
• Mysterium $55
• Ticket to Ride US/Europe $50
• Catan $50
• Santorini $38
• Dead of Winter $70
• Sagrada $45
• Scythe $90
• Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Yellow $70
• BattleLore 2nd Edition $65
• Pandemic 10th Anniversary Edition $90

Slashed Prices
• Transformer TCG starter Deck $15
• Darkest Night 2nd Edition $60
• Brass Lancashire/Bramingham Deluxe Edition $80
• My Little Scythe $40
• Monopoly Game of Thrones $33
• Jim Henson’s Labyrinth $50
• Klask $40
• Founders of Gloomhaven $50
• Star Wars Legion $80
• Codenames XXL $35
• Buffy the Vampire Slayer $36
• Sails of Glory $70
• D&D Legend of Drizzt $65
• Manhattan Project Energy Empire $50
• Archmage $60

• Monopoly Back to the Future $20
• That’s a Question! $12
• Ingenious Original $20
• Star Wars Match $10
• Monster Rejects $5
• Open Wide Grandma! $12
• Final Fantasy Starter Set from $5-$9
• Lots of X Wing products too!

Hope to see some ozbargainers tomorrow!

Referral Links

Referral: random (44)

Referee gets $5 off $50. Referrer gets 500 points (Worth $5).

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Azul cheaper here (with Amazon Prime or free shipping over $49): https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/438630

    • +2

      Definitely a cheaper price and even cheaper on eBay - can't comment on their legitimacy (comments seem to hint it's fake?) but buy from us and we can guarantee you it's an authentic copy and not a fake!

      • Good call, I didn't see that it wasn't via Amazon AU!

      • +3

        The amazon one is shipped and sold by amazon. It wont be a fake. It's not really fair to insinuate it is. Almost as if you are taking cheap shots at the competition.

        • The eBay one is most likely a fake

        • +1

          wrong, counterfeit games are a very real issue on Amazon, even if they are shipped and sold by Amazon. Its been well documented on bgg and r/boardgames the last 18 months or so.

          of course that's not to suggest you will get a fake from Amazon, but you certainly aren't guaranteed a genuine copy of the game, particularly one as popular and reproduced as Azul.

          • @diamondd: I am of the conclusion that the fakes through amazon are sold by third parties and not amazon directly.

            • @PlagueistheCheap: Yep the fakes are through third parties not Amazon.

              But regardless let’s get excited about the sale tomorrow! Board game sale yay!

        • +1

          Actually Amazon mixes their inventory, so a fake copy can end up getting shipped from a legitimate source. It's definitely a problem.

  • Dayummm! I got Gloomhaven on release last year for around $240, also I highly recommend Dead of Winter. :)

  • +3

    Lining up for three hours? Pass.

    • Lining up for three hours? Pass.

      OP/ anyone else who has been there for a warehouse sale
      is it going to be that bad?

      • +2

        Oh Yes, queued up for 30mins for barely moving a few meters gave up, went to Milsims, no queue, easy parking, cheaper Pandemic season 2.

        • queued up for 30mins for barely moving a few meters gave up, went to Milsims, no queue, easy parking, cheaper Pandemic season 2.

          what is Milsims?

          these prices are good but not great; certainly not worth lining up for three hours though

          from the deals on ozB recently (past three months) I have bought Catan ($40), Ticket to Ride Europe ($40, so I suppose better prices can be had, if not in a hurry

          • @docians: Milsims is another boardgames shop near cpl in Clayton, they did counter offers on the same day last time.

            • @kwetty: Thanks kwetty

              Wish OP/ someone there could post a live report as to how long the lines are currently

              • @docians: Milsims have got some terrible reviews at product review
                prices not the best
                eg Azul $67
                Agricola $95
                Ticket to ride/ Europe $76

                btw just checked out Gameology's facebook page, and saw the line
                good luck with spending under three hours there :)

        • No sale items doing that

      • +1

        Yes same experience, got there about 9:10 AM last time they had a sale on - line was about a hundred long and I was there for roughly 2.5 hours. Bunch of stuff sold out really quick (within the first 30 people maybe?). They distributed the sale item list after their opening time instead of listing it prior (generate hype from FOMO?). Mentioned this on their Facebook page for this event and the post got deleted lel. Not physically going there again.

  • +1

    Any decent deal on Pandemic Season 1?

  • Good prices!
    I can't seem to find a date of the sale in your post or on your linked page. 16th of Feb (tomorrow) I assume?
    Any chance you could elaborate on the limited stock you mentioned for Gloomhaven? Great price but I can't afford to wait for three hours…
    edit: I have just now spotted the date in the image linked on your site; I would recommend maybe adding it to your ozB post though

    • They're saying on Facebook that if you take a selfie on like and post it on social media they'll honour pricing for anything that goes out of stock when it restocks

      • +2

        need to line up for three hours to get in store, and then take a selfie
        need to factor in if three hours of your time is worth the discount

        • I got there around about opening time last year and waited an hour. Just because people get there 3 hours early doesn't mean it takes 3 hours to get through the line.

          • +1

            @Domingo: true but if a game you want is $50, and it is $55 elsewhere
            I would not go tomorrow
            for me it is a half hour drive; that would be two hours of my time to save $5

            but yes if you have more games to buy, have lots of free time etc its different

            I suppose they have organised a barbie, but it is payg?

            • -1

              @docians: I do not recall any customer having a 3hr experience at last years sale.
              We have no control on how many people will turn up - but the fact that there was such a crowd is a testament to the sale itself!

              • +2


                Last year we had crowds lining up from 7am!

                do not recall any customer having a 3hr experience at last years sale

                The sale runs from 10am-5pm

                If the sale ran from 10am last year, those chaps must have had a three hour experience :)

                OP if I am short on time can I leave from close to the entrance (instead of going through the maze and leaving through the exit) after having taken a selfie. Would that price be honoured even if you don't sell out of a game I want?

  • Bought online through you guys a while back. Arrived timely. Pity this is in store only, would love to see your deals on ozbargain in future. I would recommend gameology any day.

  • would love a deal on Terraforming Mars, can't find it anywhere for less than $85 which just feels like too much for a board and a stack of cards with stock images on them.

    • You’re not going to get much of a bargain on anything that’s Top 100 material on BGG. Unless it’s a price error.

      That said TM is totally amazing and worth full price.

      • well that's just not true at all, Azul is discounted as we speak and I picked up Scythe for $75 a month or two ago.

        I can wait, I have too many games as it is lol.

  • Agricola for $55 is very good

  • so .. not online at all.. these price are instore only? Really keen on getting Gloomhaven.. maybe some others. How about something like a free shipping over $X for those that can't attend?

  • +1

    Prices don't seem that great of a bargain.. Tiny bargain and not worth the hassle of lining up.

    • agree!

  • Gloomhaven $155.33 here delivered

    Gloomhaven $170 in your sale OP
    Regular price $220 at your store

    but the fact that there was such a crowd is a testament to the sale itself!

    rather a testament to the fact that games are so overpriced in Australia, that if there is a half decent sale, people will be happy to queue up for hours to buy something at a half decent price:)

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