Soundproofing/Deadening Car

Hi guys was wondering whether you guys have any recommendations for installers soundproofing with Dynamat or a similar material - I live in Melbourne. Thanks in advance!


  • -6

    So you can't hear anyone outside the car, telling you you left your phone on the roof, or that you've just run over the family pet?

    From a safety perspective, I wouldn't recommend soundproofing the inside of your car.

    Look after your ears, especially if you love music.

    • +1

      That's… not what OP's asking about is it? Most normal sound from outside would go through the windows. It's only road-noise and unwanted speaker noise (rattles, etc?) that'd be dampened by things like dynamat right?

      • +1

        Interesting topic. Let's see what sort of a reason there is.

        • +4

          He lives in Melbourne

        • From Dynamat's website:

          Use Dynamat on the interior sheet metal of your vehicle to stop vibration and reduce road noise. Add a Dynamat brand thermoacoustic liner- such as Dynaliner, DynaPad, or DynaDeck to fight heat and low frequency hums from big engines and exhaust systems

          (didn't neg you btw).

          • @HighAndDry: A neg never hurt me. Must have been a dynaliner employee, or someone who has soundproofed a car

        • +1

          I think OP wants to soundproof the boot for those late night drives looking for hitchhikers.

          • @elgrande: bit late for valentines day?

        • +1

          Alot of 4wd owners use this on Landcruiser 70's as they dont come with sound deadening and you cop the full grunt of road, engine, transmission noise etc. very common.

    • Why on earth would you want to hear more road noise? Unless you are putting dynamat over all your windows I think you'll be fine.

      Sorry can't help you with who to do the job op, have always just done it myself.

      • Could you describe what you have used for soudnproofing please? And what kind of results were achieved? Thanks.

        • Dynamat. Lined the doors, boot skin etc. No rattles with stereo, better sound, less road noise.

  • I like my car stereo and I liked the version Jaycar sell, or get the proper stuff off ebay with site wide sale. Made the best difference in doors and boot.

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