Choice Review on Toilet Paper

Hey Team,

not sure if this has been posted earlier but here goes

Choice has reviewed the toilet papers and the following make the cut for recommendation in order

Quilton Toilet Tissue Double Length Prints
Emporia Skin Sense
Kleenex Luxury Collection Shea Butter Soft
Kleenex Luxury Collection Aloe Vera Soft and Gentle
Quilton King Size
Quilton Toilet Tissue Double Length Floral
Quilton Toilet Tissue Double Length White
Quilton Toilet Tissue Prints
Quilton Toilet Tissue Triple Length White
Quilton Toilet Tissue White
Sorbent Silky White
Coles So Soft Extra Soft & Strong Toilet Tissue Embossed White
Coles So Soft Extra Soft & Strong Toilet Tissue Embossed White Double Length
Coles Toilet Tissue

Aldi just missed the cut…

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  • +4

    I bomb at work, be surprised how much money you save even if its equivalent to 80 grit sandpaper.

    • +3

      That's rough

      • +4

        To ride rough is better than riding dirty.

    • +4

      I shit alone, at home
      I don't want anyone to know
      That I don't have the pressure of the other boys
      They make a noise
      It scares me sooo

  • To save clicking on the link, what was the assessment criteria?


      How we test toilet paper

      • Perforation

      We measure the ease of separating the toilet tissue at the perforation. The easier it is for the toilet paper to tear, the better.

      • Puncture

      We measure the strength of the toilet paper by testing its resistance to puncturing. In this test a higher force is the most desirable result, meaning your finger is less likely to go through the paper.

      • Disintegration time

      We time how quickly the toilet paper disintegrates. The faster the better – you want your toilet paper to break up quickly as it moves through sewage, making it less likely to block pipes.

      The quickest product takes just over a minute to disintegrate while some products took just over 16 minutes to disintegrate.

      • Softness

      In this test we measure how soft the toilet paper is. This is a subjective assessment conducted by a panel of five people. We then convert their rank order into a percentage score.

      Test criteria explained

      The overall score is made up of:

      • Disintegration time (30%)
      • Softness (30%)
      • Separation (tear) force (20%)
      • Puncture (strength) force (20%)

      Makes sense. Quilton is actually a really decent product and constantly on offer.

      • +10

        Puncture resistance is very important

      • +3

        Disintegration time (30%)
        Softness (30%)
        Separation (tear) force (20%)
        Puncture (strength) force (20%)

        Do they have a breakdown of the scores for each? Because my own weighting would've been something like:

        Disintegration time (5%)
        Softness (10%)
        Separation (tear) force (0%)
        Puncture (strength) force (85%)

        • Agree, can always call a plumber for a blocked pipe..

        • Agreed. It's worth checking out the individual figures. Aldi had a higher puncture score than the almost all the recommendations for their 3plys and better value per sheet, and were only a few percentage points under the winners.

      • +1

        Surely price should be a criteria?

        • no. it should be reviewed irrespective of price.
          that way you can judge the results based on price.

          • @follow: True I guess. I actually clicked on the link and they do list the prices for reference at least.

  • +12

    The winner on value was the Banking Commission final report.

  • lol

  • +4

    I don't know how the Kleenex ones made it into the list.
    I remember getting the Kleenex ones yonks ago because it felt soft. But I found that I ended up with brown fingers too many times. Never again after that.

    Quilton is the best! :)

  • -2

    I wouldn't wipe my arse with anything choice publishes

  • +2
  • +2

    No love for the CostCo/Kirkland 48 pack??

    • I bought this last weekend and am satisfied. Long rolls, Australia made, good price.

  • +1

    Coles Toilet Tissue 2 ply 18 pack @ $0.12 per 100 sheets looks like the winner.

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