Some drones on sale, educational toys, robots, microscopes, telescopes, and clothing.
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Less than $70 - $7.95 (std) or $14.95 (exp)
More than $70 - Free
Some drones on sale, educational toys, robots, microscopes, telescopes, and clothing.
All orders - Free
Less than $70 - $7.95 (std) or $14.95 (exp)
More than $70 - Free
Several drones from around $40+ to a hundred and fifty or so (from memory).
Telescopes - other than for spying on your neighbours, there is not much there, except a couple 130mm equatorial mounted reflecting telescopes.
The wifi controlled model looks interesting (I think it's a motorised mount).
Celestron is a very well known brand, which has a long history of making mid to high end telescope, these budget ones I'm weary of.
Before buying, I'd also need to ensure that at least the main mirror and internal mirror were NOT made in China.
It says that the tripods for the equatorial mounts are "German" (I assume that means made in Germany, which would be great)
You absolutely NEED an equatorial mount on even a small telescope (to compensate for earth's rotation) unless you want to spend 99% of your time trying to find and follow an object with the finderscope).
Too bad that for a serious amateur astronomer (in addition to a solid equatorial mount) you really need an 8 inch mirror (200 mm), and these two are only 130 mm.
You can have a meaningful look at solar system objects with a 6 inch mirror (150 mm).
But the difference even between 130 mm mirror and 150 mm mirror, is like night and day.
While I personally wouldn't get a telescope with a smaller mirror than 8 inch, there are other things that I might consider getting.
I might have a look at getting one or two of these el cheapo drones, to get an introduction into flying them, without crashing a thousand dollar one.
There's some cheap microscopes too. I don't think they're good quality, but as long as the optics are half decent.
You don't need an expensive microscope to see cells and bacteria etc (I'm just not that much into microbiology to get one).
But if you want to be creeped out (or creep someone else out) by tiny creatures that look like something from the Alien movie.
Ones that you had no idea were constantly moving and living, feeding and multiplying, all around you, on you, and even inside you.
Then you can't go wrong with a microscope (even a fairly cheap one).
the celestron binos are decent value, not a mind boggling deal but better than rrp.
A couple of the most expensive telescopes here are also at roughly half the usual price.
the only scope I'd even consider is the astrofi's, and thats for CASUAL casual viewers. AG is one of the worst places to buy telescopes.
@stridingcloud12: where abouts are you located, astroanarchy is fantastic if you're in the brisbane area, bintel if you're in sydney. Both of these places deliver australia wide but I'd suggest you go in store if you're near any of these.
@ToeKnee: Joining an astronomy society or club in your area is fun if you're interested in that kind of thing.
Plus you get to learn heaps, and get to look through other people's telescopes.
Most have regular field trips where they take their telescopes out in the field, or have other types of events for people to get together and share ideas.
@stridingcloud12: imo you cant really go wrong with this one:…
You could sell it 2nd hand for more than that.
We have one that size with the dobsonian mount (annoying) and you can easily make out saturn's rings, moons around other planets etc.
Great buy on this rechargeable flashlight if you can collect.…
Any idea if is same prices in-store? Kids have some "ultimate kids giftcards" to use up, EFTPOS based so can't use online but might be something of interest to them on this list.
That is an excellent price for the battlebots arena.…
We have one, pretty fun.
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