but nbn website showing NBN ready.
I can't see any port
what should i do?
Ps: i am in Canberra
but nbn website showing NBN ready.
I can't see any port
what should i do?
Ps: i am in Canberra
Contact your landlord/property manager and enquire to whether the unit is connected.
If not, start a dialogue to have it connected and an access point installed.
They may arrange it via the property manager, or they may just give you permission to go about it yourself.
Worth noting that under a standard lease, any changes that you make to the property will need to remedied at the end of the lease.
Worth noting that under a standard lease, any changes that you make to the property will need to remedied at the end of the lease.
OP: On this point, ask the managing agent/landlord to give you something in writing that you don't have to remedy this at the end of your lease - that'd make no sense to either one of you, but best to have it set out in writing. And then keep that email/letter with your lease.
any changes that you make to the property will need to remedied at the end of the lease.
The occupant isn't doing anything to the property by getting connected to the NBN.
Installing a (n additional) telephone port would be, but yeah - NBN would need landlord consent direct to NBN Corp anyway so not OP's problem.
The NBN technician doesn't have to get the landlord's consent to provision NBN to their premises. However, getting the occupants cooperation on the day of the installation makes the job easier.
@HighAndDry: The Telecommunication Act 1997 gives carriers a range of powers.
Authority to install
Authority to install the nbn™ supplied equipment is obtained under Schedule 3 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) (Act). This Act allows nbn and our construction partners to carry out these activities, subject to the arrangements in the enclosed booklet. The booklet, with this letter, is a Notice under the Act and they should be read together. The booklet provides further information, including how we intend to have the property connected to the nbn™ network.
Is it newly built as well?
no old one. I have emailed my agent. did not get any reply so far
You should call… oh right. (No but seriously, give them a call - you have a mobile yeah?)
Check the bedroom/room closest to the front of the house
but nbn website showing NBN ready.
Call your preferred RSP and tell them that you want to order NBN from them. They'll send a technician out to connect or do a survey.
Pretty sure a telephone port is legally required (not to mention I can't imagine a property without one to begin with). Ask your agent/landlord where it is.
This ^^^
This ^^^. Otherwise get a cheap data plan.
Yeah, it's definitely somewhere unless it was built before widespread telephone use, and nobody who has ever lived in it since then used a telephone or internet..
Everybody keeps telling me 5G is all that will be needed…
I once rented a unit in Victoria which had a similar issue. Real estate agent advised that internet though not mentioned in rental contract is part of basic requirement for putting up a property on rent. She took this forward with landlord and we came to an agreement that I pay all the fee/expense and keep the receipts. Once everything was then deduct from next months rent and provide receipts of expenditure. .
Talk to your Landlord and offer to go 50:50 in the costs with them. They can refuse to pay. In that case it's up to the OP, with the Landlords permission, to pay for installation and for removal if required when they leave their rental home.
As (in Victoria anyway) there's nothing in the Residential Tenancies act of 1997 that says a phone, or the internet are essential services there's no way your Landlord can be forced to provide a connection.
We had this problem when we moved into our rental - it was a brand new build and the landlord flat out refused to go 50:50 on the connection costs. So I took the Network Termination Device with me when I moved out. Got a call from the landlord's new RE agent a week later asking for the modem, so I emailed her a copy of the receipt and told her I'd be willing to sell it to the landlord for 50% of the install cost. Never heard back from them.
Wow… I just learned something. I was honestly expecting it to be otherwise. I wouldn't have thought to even check a prospective rental nowadays.
A landlord is not required to provide telephone, television and internet connections with the premises.
However, existing phone/TV/internet sockets are facilities provided with the premises for use of the tenant. As such, the landlord is obliged to ensure such facilities are in reasonable condition and to maintain them – unless this is specifically excluded in the tenancy agreement.
If you want a new connection installed you must have the landlord’s consent. They must not unreasonably withhold consent if the work required for the installation is of a ‘minor nature’
You will have to pay for installation (although the landlord may agree to pay or contribute to the cost).
You pay for repairs to connections you have installed.
Unlimited 4G?
Get Optus 200GB for $60
I had to pay to get my property connected - $300 and then it still took 6 months before I got internet and it was only 30-80kbps :-/
Find an RSP with whom you want an internet service with, tell them you are in a rental & give them your landlords email to get things going
Vodafone has NBN50 with 4G wireless as well, unlimited $69/mth. In theory, they can connect you straight away via 4G while you wait for the NBN crap to get sorted.
It is your phone line
so technically they will connect to NBN from phone
@ChristopherSpilberg: You will need to buy and adapter and a pbone to test if it is still live first
talk to your landlord