• expired
  • targeted

30% off 2 Uber Eats Orders (up to $30 off Each)


I just got this emailed to me from Uber Eats, not sure if targeted or not.

Added additional coupons mentioned in the thread.

Enjoy :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (1447)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +3

    No luck here.

  • +3

    targeted, no luck as well.

  • +4

    Oops, you're not eligible for this promotion

  • It seems like there is a separate code for each user. I clicked on the banner in the UberEats app and it should the code as 929eats.

    • +1

      What banner did you see? I've no banner anywhere in my app.

      Maybe it's only appearing for the targetted people.

      • +1

        Its the banner on the top of the page when you launch the app. If you don't see this banner then the offer is targeted.

        • Ah ok, make sense - thanks for verifying.

  • No luck here.

  • No luck either.

  • Worked for me - thanks

  • Worked here too!

  • Worked wonders for me, cheers!

  • whats the best x dollar off promo code? havnt used uber eats yet.

    • +1

      Yeah if you're a new customer, the referral codes will give $15 (mine says $15 anyway). There's a referral link above that'll give you a random one from people who add them to their accounts.

  • I got 858eats

  • +1

    No luck on 243, 929 or 858

  • It came up for me at the top of my uber eats app. it must be targeted, but it only generates once you click on the picture

  • Oh hell yeah got it on 243

  • +2

    Mine was 858eats
    Showed up in the app on launch, no email.

    • I just got the email for this one

  • Same as above. Showed up in banner ad within the app.

  • Got no banner of any sort in my app.

  • no good here.

  • My first targeted coupon! Thanks OP

  • I've just looked at my emails, I received one a couple of weeks ago that I didn't see.

    It was 392EATS and expired 6/2.

  • thanks OP I have it for once!

  • got it 858eats thanks.

  • +1

    I got (and used) the same deal a couple of weeks ago.

  • 858 worked for me!

  • Got the 243eats offer code - those Uber Eats team office lunches are finally paying off :)

  • worked!! always missed out on these targeted deal..!!

  • Worked here but i also just got an email. This is only the 3rd time i will be ordering from them and haven't used them in a few weeks if that helps anyone understand why it may not work for them.

  • Go the 858 code.

  • 243 worked here

  • +1

    None working for me :(

  • I got this but I was targeted :D

  • No luck for me

  • +1

    As always. Not me

  • Who are they targeting

    • +2

      im a reg user and none working for me :(

      • I'm not a regular user and none worked for me :(

        • im a reg user and none working for me :(

  • I went on the app to add the code but on the main page, there was already a banner for me to claim it - the code they gave me was the 858!

  • Nufffin for me but I've never used uber eats so who knows what they are targeting

  • +1

    Targeted as well (surprisingly) with 243eats.

    Good thing about the code is it takes the 30% off both what you order plus delivery fee, I was expecting it to just be 30% off the food.

  • +2

    doesnt work for me and im semi regular so no idea on how they target

  • nope

  • Didnt get the email but went in app and the offer came up. Thanks

  • 243 worked, thanks!

  • Thanks, worked for me via banner

  • I got 858eats

  • +1

    Stupid question.. But has anyone ever tried to go to their preferred restaurant, order using uber (using such discounts) sitting in the restaurant and inform at the counter that you have made an uber order so deliver it at the table instead in containers?

    • I've heard drivers rocking up to the restaurant and told customer came in to pickup instead. Not sure if you can dine in though.

      • Thanks..will check with couple of local restaurants

    • Why would you want to do this when you have to pay for delivery?

      • +1

        because despite tanking the $5~8 delivery cost the overall price would be cheaper than without the promo, and you're out anyway

        • not really, uber menus are usually marked up 30% from the original menu price to make up for the uber commissions + delivery

          So total uber cost is: Menu price + 30% mark up + delivery

          It's cheaper to dine in the restaurant

  • 243eats works for me

  • 929eats expires on the 20/02 worked

  • No luck :(

  • 243EATS worked for me! Expires 21/02

  • Worked for me :)

  • Thanks worked. Only second time I’ve been able to get discount :)

  • just fell off my chair.

    After 2 years of using Uber Eats, i have received my first code!!!

  • None worked for me

  • didn't get email, but it worked!

  • none worked for me

  • Pondered using the shopback app to order and then keep ubereats open hoping I get my own delivery. Dinner for $6!

  • We got it, just had uber eats for Valentine's dinner (I have 2 kids under 3 so going out is hard)

  • I was just trying 929eats to see if it works but didn't complete the order. Now while I am to make an order it's saying I have already used the code.

  • Anyone get this offer to work with Shopback cashback?

  • Nup

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