Saw these at Kmart Toowong the other day. They were on clearance but had five or six left in the pile. They're for Wii only, and can't be used on the DS store. Usually sells for $30.
2000 Wii Points for $7 - Kmart

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2000 points can get you two to four games, depending on the consoles.
is this Toowong only, or nationwide?
I'm there now, there's none left.
Thanks for the live update
is it a good time to stock up for wii2?
oui oui
A German man invited me to a Wii party.
We now laugh at our mutual misunderstandings.
dont know if bargain limited to one store? Tried 2 other kmarts and they said they hadn't had them in stock for a verryy long time… :(
what can you buy with these points that's worth $7 or more ?