This was posted 6 years 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sirena Tuna 95g Varieties $1.35 @ Coles


Enjoy :)

  • Sirena Chilli Tuna In Oil 95g
  • Sirena Lemon & Pepper Tuna 95g
  • Sirena La Vita Chilli Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Lemon Basil & Chilli Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Soy & Ginger Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Puttanesca Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Tuna in Springwater 95g
  • Sirena Chunky Tomato & Basil Tuna 95g
  • Sirena La Vita Lite Tuna in Oil 95g
  • Sirena Basil Infused Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Teriyaki Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Springwater & Lemon Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Smoke Infused Oil Tuna Can 95g
  • Sirena Limited Edition Triple Chilli Tuna 95g
  • Sirena Peppercorn Tuna Can 95g
  • Sirena Tuna in Oil Italian Style 95g

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closed Comments

  • Prepare to have a jobsworth tell you the limit is 12 and you aren't allowed any more this week even if you can back another time

    • +6

      Just go thru self checkout

    • Haven't heard (nor seen) the term jobsworth for at least 20 years. I have to start using it more often.

    • +20

      Pretty much stole them then.

    • +1

      How did the scales in the bagging area not pick that up?

    • +3

      one day karma will make sure you will be cheated on by someone.

      • +2

        Or maybe it's Colesworth's karma coming back to bite them?

        You're naive if you think Colesworth don't risk livelihoods by the way they treat suppliers

      • +1

        Well to his defence, he didn't knowingly multiply by 24 just to cheat the checkout, the intention was to pay for whatever amount he thought he had

  • I just do ALDI tuna

    • +10

      Thanks for sharing.

  • +2

    Mercury Galore

    • +12

      I don't see that flavour listed.

      • +2

        Did you know these are canned mermaid fishies?

        That's why they're called Sirena in Italian and Spainish.

        The makeup they use is rich in the macronutrient Mercury.

        • In trying to increase my micronutrient and macronutrient intake so these sound good

          • @spaceflight: yeah, you will become as shiny as a mirror from the mercury-enriched skin you will attain by eating lots of tin mermaid.

        • I prefer not to eat mermaids. Do you know which brand contains mermen?

  • +1

    Wow. That’s a huge list of flavours. Which ones are recommended?

    • +6

      Low kj:
      Lite Chilli
      Springwater and lemon

      Lemon and pepper

    • +3

      I solely eat Sirena Tuna in Oil Italian Style.

      Best on the market. I'm a huge Sirena fanboi.

      • +1

        agreed, while flavour ones are good, honestly as a first timer hit up sirena in oil, you won't look back.

      • With you on this one. I find the texture of the oil only ones to be better than the flavoured ones too, more chunky.

  • +1

    $1.35 that is a massive bargain compared to the usual $1.50 - and triple chilli flavour… shut up and take my money!

    • Anyone know if the triple chilli is in oil or springwater?

      • +2

        oil, same as normal chilli, but there's 3 in the tin, not 1

        • Ah sweet, cheers.

        • less tuna in 3 chili ?

    • I think you mean "a massive bargain compared to the usual $2.70".…

      • I mean, when they have been on sale in the past they were $1.50 - I cant remember when they were lower than that

  • +1

    I'm still slowly going through the cans I bought about 3 years ago and they still taste fine.

    • +1

      Same lol, except I stocked up on with 2 slabs of the 190g? chilli oil ones 😁

  • +2

    Stupid question, what's so special about this particular brand of tuna? Compared with other brands that go for 90c - 1 dollar (normal, sale price respectively)

    • +2

      My cookery teachers at TAFE once said these are the best tuna can. He's been quite a long in hospitality industry

    • I've got a few friends who are on the fitness kick and they will always buy this even though it's usually double the price of the others. To me I can't tell the difference between this and the others.

      • +2

        Your tastebuds must be missing

        • And OP's texture-buds as well, totally MIA.

        • +1

          I don't like tinned tuna! It's cheap and awful. Rather eat food not out of a can…

          • @Whisper Quiet: I don't like most tinned tuna. It's cheap and awful.

            But Sirena is not cheap (except on 50% off sales) and it's not awful.

            If you don't like it, fair enough, but don't assume that because you don't like other tinned tuna you won't like this one :)

            • @ely: I've tried it! Like I said in the comment earlier… There's barely a difference, the texture is a bit softer but that's about it for me. No real change in any flavour. BTW when I told my mate they were on special he bought 30 of them!

              • -1

                @Whisper Quiet: Fair enough then :) I guess I have to take your word for it, but when you say that "the texture is a bit softer" it seems like you probably haven't - this is basically a slab of tuna vs a pile of mush, it's far more firm (especially the unflavoured one). Flavour is, as you say, similar - tuna is tuna is tuna.

                • +1

                  @ely: I've tried it! STFU if I say I've done it stop saying I haven't. Tuna to me isn't that great anyway. Let alone crappy tinned tuna in a can. Most canned tuna I've tried is stringy and tougher. This was a bit more soft and not as grainy as the rest I've had. You must be a Sirena freak to to defend this like it's gourmet food. This is one step above hobo canned soup. Eat out and maybe you'll expand your tastebuds to something other than schnitzels and chops. So you'll have a better reference to what actual food tastes like

                  • @Whisper Quiet: Well, you've got some bite so +1 for that. You have no idea what you're talking about, but at least you say it with conviction :D

                    I don't defend it like it's gourmet food - it's just significantly better than other tinned tuna, which (as I'm sure you'll agree) is a very low benchmark.

                  • @Whisper Quiet: Just to be clear, I don't think you're lying about it (what would be the point?) I just think you might be mistaken and have tried something else, because your description makes no sense on objective points - i.e. Sirena is notably firmer than other brands, but you're describing the opposite.

    • +7

      A lot of the sub $1 tunas look, smell and taste like cat food.

      • +8

        Cheap Steve, you should really lay off the cat food.

      • I'm familiar with the smell of cat food….

    • +7

      This looks like a chunk of tuna in the shape of the can and tastes meaty and solid.

      Normal tuna in a can is the consistency of crushed tomato and looks like squashed offcuts compared to Sirena.

    • +1

      The tuna is chunkier, has far more flavour and the olive oil they use tastes like a quality oil.

      If you could be bothered to taste test a Woolies brand, then a Woolies yellowfin can, then a Sirena Oil Italian Style the difference would be clear as day.

      • Probably the same with most Woolworths home brand products.

    • Just taste it -just the plain in olive oil - and you will see. Texture, colour and flavour are totally different to Greenseas and similar brands.

    • Lots of reply but a key one missing, Sirena is Yellowfin tuna which has a milder taste than skipjack tuna used in most other brands like greenseas. This and more chunky. Actually I like the tuna slices better. The triple chilli is da bomb, my fav.

      It is also pole and line caught a more sustainable way.

  • +1

    How bad is eating tuna for the environment? I've heard that over-fishing might be a problem?

  • Any tunas that actually use olive oil rather than the crappy substitute blend they introduced?

  • I am planning to stock up on these tomorrow as my training and diet requirements increase. Do I need to be worried about Mercury or any other nasty stuff in these tins? I never thought about this before but I saw some of the comments and wanted to check.

    • +3

      I might be over-simplifying, but larger fish higher up the food chain will tend to have higher concentrations of mercury. The yellowfin tuna in this brand probably has more mercury per tin than the smaller skipjack tuna found in others.

      • +1

        Yeah supposedly Skipjack tuna is the best as it's smaller and less than a year old usually when caught so contains less mercury. Skipjack you can eat 3x a week and it's ok, others I guess less than 3x a week. Safcol use Skipjack tuna.

  • -1

    They're not really trying. 99c is the correct price for these on REAL special.

    • John West is the best for you @ that price point.

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