• long running

A$10 of Free Bitcoin via Referral After First Deposit @ CoinSpot


Just saw this while logged in my account.

Help share your love of cryptocurrency! Spread the good stuff and get it back in return. Mass adoption starts with you!
Refer a friend to CoinSpot and you will both receive $10 worth of Bitcoin* after they complete their first AUD deposit.
* the amount of Bitcoin (BTC) credited to both parties will be the equivalent value of AUD $10 at the time the referred party completes their first AUD deposit.

Mod: Use referral system below to add or use a referral link.

Referral Links

Referral: random (617)

A$10 worth of Bitcoin for referrer and referee.

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  • +5

    BTC is dead. Counter trade me

    • +5

      yeah … right … I am saving this comment and will re-post in few years …

    • +20

      Well i wasn't going to bring this up but seen as though you did suggest we should "screenshot" your comment about Bitcoin in December 2017 that said: "This will be $100K in 2018. Screenshot this"

      Hate to say I told you so, but…:

      It's just good old "irrational exuberance" once again just like every other investment bubble….
      Know this, you can make money, but it will eventually crash… will you be holding it when it does?!

      I hope you didn't lose too much like some people I know who basically laughed it off when I warned them - anything like this has risks!

      • -8

        Thanks for that … yep I agree it was an irrational comment I made back then when I got into crypto. I learned a lot since then and past is in the past. Fact is I was commenting on what mr asstight said that BTC is dead. Truth is far from that, BTC is here, very much alive, and it is here to stay and will continue evolving. Maybe educate yourself on what has happened over last 12 months. It might open your eyes.

        • +1

          ?? - my comment was a reply to mr_asstight also.

    • -1

      BAKKT is opening soon. Then institutional investors will get in more easier. There are already large number of OTC trade aren't shows/aggregates on charts.

    • lol

    • do u regret about this comment? its at ~A$100K

  • +13

    That will be $9 by the time the deposit is confirmed ;)

    • +3

      Already $8

    • +3


      • +12

        10c now (and their cold storage got hacked so practically you have nothing)

        • +3

          10¢ is 10¢ to true OzBargainers 😝

        • Oops back to 4 again

        • +2

          Or the founder dies

      • +2

        You got greedy Martin.

    • +4

      Give it an hour and you'll owe them $10

  • +6

    Crypto: what a boom time for people with no skills who all became money making experts 😂😔

    • The world doesn't work in a reward-for-good-behaviour way. Communists reap the wealth of business owners. Bankers get bonuses out of government bailed out money. My crypto programming skill (wrote a node) didn't reward me nearly as much as the crypto I bought for practising that skill, which rewarded me 100x, even today at the 2-year bottom price.

      • How much did u end up making?

        • -3

          Programming skill salary: 180K/year at the very hight of the crypto market (later half of 2017). Crypto value I got initially just for practising programming crypto: 1 mil.

        • +13

          The point I wish to make is that crypto works. It is uninformed for some idiots who want to get rich quick to bet that Bitcoin works, but hey, he is just lucky. The same idiot could be fooled to bet on Perpetual motion engine or other 100 things that don't work. Bitcoin said in the manual that it doesn't need banks to transact and doesn't inflate and it did exactly that in the end; it's blameless. So no blaming Bitcoin for the behaviour of silly people, please.

          • +1

            @enveloped: You never hear from the losers

          • @enveloped: Crypto doesnt work well as a currency though. Crypro runs off blockchain and that is just a database type. The problem is that database type is only good at one thing and that is censorship resistance. It sucks performance wise and in every other way.

            Crypto will always be a slow POS and that is by design. The other thing as a currency it is bad as well it can never hit mass adootion. It can't bank the unbanked because the unbanked generally don't have computers. It could never cope with mass adoption as it falls over and transaction cost goes through the roof with loads that are a tiny fraction of what it would be if it was used as a currency, its just too complicated for most people and is easily lost/hacked.

            Crypto is just overhyped trash.

      • +7

        Communists reap the wealth of business owners.

        Business owners reap the wealth created by their wage slaves.

        • Yeah I'd love to see what he means by this. Is he talking about China?

      • Don't know what a node is..but feel like it's something i should know?

    • These things pop up when everything is going great… The writings on the wall though. No one should be buying, not when a lot of holders are looking to drop it anyway.

  • +1

    Hey, $10 is $10
    Maybe swap it out for Power Ledger?

    • +2

      No scam coins please we got enough

      • -4

        I presume you researched power ledger before commenting?

        • premined ERC20 tokens. f outta here.

          • +1

            @mr_asstight: They're not actually pre-mined; but tokens created via a contract.

            If the token serves a purpose it will have value, if not it will fall into the scam token bucket. However because ERC20 tokens are so easy and cheap to create there are many scam coins, but that doesn't mean they are all scams.

            I don't believe Power Ledger to be a scam, this is real world project, that is already delivering benefits.

            So ERC20 does not automatically make it a scam.

            If you think different, I'm open to changing my mind based on new information?

  • What’s the min cashout ?

    • +1

      I don't think there is a minimum cashout

    • There are some fees when you withdraw

    • Min cashout is 0.0006 (about $37) worth of BTC. No AUD minimum. So you can't take the $10 worth of BTC out straight away

  • i have about $70 worth of Ethereum that i mined for a couple of months, to sell it would i use coinspot? is that the easiest way to do it? plus get the $10 bitcoin and sell it off?

    • +1

      You need to make a deposit before you get the $10 of bitcoin. Coinspot is the easiest way to sell for AUD IMO.

    • +3

      It’s such a small amount of ETH. Just keep it!

    • Keep it for 12months to avoid capital gain tax, then sell

      • Avoid? Don't you only get a 50% discount if held for more than 12 months?

        • Im not 100% sure how it works to be honest. The way they worded it so vague. It could be just discout …


          Dont tak my words for it.

        • +1

          CG Discount is another thing in Bill Shortens spotlight. Will be less than 50% after the election unless Bill manages to snatch defeat from the Jaws of Victory.

  • +2

    should be worth $5 of bitcoin by the end of the week.

  • +3

    Where do we get the referral link? Cant see it in my account, thanks.

  • +2

    Coinspot has horrible exchange rates.

    • What is the alternative for AU?

  • +12

    Got to scan and upload your divers license right? I’ll pass on that.

    • +5

      Got to scan and upload your divers license right? I’ll pass on that.

      Post should definitely be edited to add this detail.

      I uploaded license and all that to company for promise of free crypto.
      Regretted while doing it
      Regretted after
      Still regret it now.
      But I guess/hope that I have this small amount of crypto there. Not game to log on tbh. Pretty scary uploading license to random companies for promise of financial reward.

      On the upside… Looks like I have 5 eztokens worth half a cent each :)

    • +6

      It's purely to confirm eligibility to drive a lambo.

    • +2

      You also have to write on a piece of paper a declaration + "secret code", and then take a selfie holding the paper.

      • +4

        and slaughter a goat whilst swearing allegiance to them.

        • +3

          In the name of Coinspot, Mt. Gox, and the Holy Universal Ledger - Blockchain.

      • +1

        I got up to that step then decided against it

  • So can't add funds until the account is verified?

    • +1

      Just to reply to my own question - the answer is yes. You need to be verified before you can deposit funds.

  • +6

    Truly, I hope the Coinspot CEO doesn't die.

    • Or their cold storage being hacked

    • +1

      I think coinspot is mainly used as an expensive entry and exit point, not somewhere to store your coins

  • +1

    "me using Bitcoin"
    Today: a small McChicken meal
    After opening: $1 Large Fries

    • At least you upsized your fries :)

  • So now i registered an account, what coin to buy? :)

    Edit: Hang on, no need to buy any coin? Just make the $10 deposit to receive $10? Is that correct?

    • You automatically get $10 invested in Bitcoin

  • How long does it take to receive the $10 after initial deposit? Is it immediately?

    • Yes immediately

      • really? i haven't received mine…

  • +3

    Man people still do bitCoins???

    • Say it right, it's Bit Coins

  • +1

    What’s the min deposit amount by both referrer and referee for both to recieve the $10?

  • how do i Short BTC?

    • +3

      Bitfinex or bitmex.

      Or, for cash settled futures - CBOE or CME

      • All aboard the BitMex rekt! Toot toot!

        • +1

          M-M-M-M-Monster kill!!!!

    • -1

      Short the bottom. Let know how you did :)

  • +1

    When I opened my first bitcoin account they had an offer no where as generous as this… and I forgot about my account, some years later I logged back in and learnt the value went up 700%!

  • If bitcoin moons again to it's ath you can turn this $10 into $70

    • +3

      That needed a dramatic pause.

      "Turn this $10 into…….. Seven hundred, cents"

  • Why do they make it so hard to open an account? I gave up in the end when they asked me to upload a photo of myself holding a placard.

    • +1

      They need more people holding placards saying "Bitcoin is not dead"

  • -1

    LOL, crypto currency. Scam of the decade.

    • yeah massive scam thats made thousands of people money, do you always paint with that broad brush?

      cypto isnt a scam. It's just dumb people that wanted to get rich quick without any understanding of digital currency.

      will be back soon and when it is I'll be ready to reinvest with some of the profits I took

    • I am doing research for science. How old are you?

    • +2

      Haha did somebody buy in Dec 2017?

  • Never trust companies that hides their hosting behind cloudflare's proxy. Coinspot is one of them.

    Almost bought Ripple at $2 each, so glad i didn't now looking at it at 40 cents.

    • So you don't trust 95 percent of large sites then. Nothing is hiding behind cloudflare. Try to research what it is you are wrongly warning people off

      • By hiding behind cloudflare's proxy they hide their hosting, hide their location, they have whBoisguard on.
        Big difference when people use cloudflare as a cdn but they arent doing that, they completely route their traffic through cloudflare, illegal sites and pirate bays do that so the authority can't track them.

        Yet Coinspot expect you to send them photo ids of your address, face, and make a bank link and deposit.
        Who knows, one day they just leave with a whole bunch of wallets, no one will know who they are.

  • +1

    Is this the ridiculous website where you have to upload a photo of yourself like a Police mug shot?

  • -4

    Based on reports from members requiring to upload driver licence and mugshot of yourself, on the top of needing a deposit; no thanks I'll pass. This is not a deal.

    • Uploading a mugshot with an ID is pretty much standard practice for crypto currency wallets/accounts. From their point of view, it’s a security measure used as crypto currency is global rather than country specific requiring stronger security checks

      • What's the point of ID check? crypto was suppose to be anonymous. It's not like you would get your bitcoin back if your account got hacked.

        • +1

          crypto was suppose to be anonymous

          Who said?

          • @askbargain:

            Who said?

            Isn't the point of crypto-currency to kick out central banks and individuals having control over it. Your private key is your ID. Why the mug shot.

        • Setting up your crypto currency wallet/account is not anonymous hence requiring the ID mugshot. Transactions using crypto currency is anonymous.

          If an account got hacked, you would be able to identify that account belongs to you with the ID mugshot check. Quite possibly because transactions are anonymous, you wouldn’t know who transacted/hacked your account, unless if you could identify through the source programming code of the hack who did it.

    • What's up with the neg. I pointed out the obvious flaw in this deal and neggers are trying to revoke my neg.

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