Howdy fellas, someone mentioned somewhere that Wolfenstein 2 and Doom (2016) were both $49.60 with free delivery for Nintendo Switch.
They are usually $67 at Amazon it seems.
The image will take you to Wolfenstein, here is the link for Doom
Howdy fellas, someone mentioned somewhere that Wolfenstein 2 and Doom (2016) were both $49.60 with free delivery for Nintendo Switch.
They are usually $67 at Amazon it seems.
The image will take you to Wolfenstein, here is the link for Doom
I wonder if it'll ever be cheaper than this as the flash memory is pricey? Thanks OP.
Will get once it gets down to $20
I think $30 is my ceiling, I'll grab it when it hits that. $50 for it is a joke.
Yeah I thought so too, but you'll be waiting a while I think. Been wanting to get Skyrim on here for ages since I've never really played it properly but I don't want to pay more than $30 for it and I haven't seen it anywhere for that price.
Given they are $10 on PC it's a bit rich to ask for $50
so it’s $49.60 each, not both
Man, that wolfenstein game was fun! The story is really good, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Runs absolutely fantastically on the Switch. Panic Button are gods.