anybody having issues purchasing woolworths egiftcards today using cashrewards?
i see a new website interface but I am not having any luck with the purchase after the amex safekey check (charges my credit card but the woolworths systems says there is an error with the card)
Cashrewards and Woolworths eGift Cards Error

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Are you sure your card was actually charged, I have had issues on and off with the funds being held against the card and the transaction then failing, while the statement online showed the transaction as pending it never actually translated to a charge to the card account. Check your account in a couple of days and if your issue is similar to mine the hold against the card will disappear.
had to write to woolies to get this rectified
this is a known error to woolies IT team
yes it is a hold on the card at the moment and I hope it drops off after a few days. the issue i had was that after passing amex safekey succesfully, it directs me back to the woolies website and then the transaction fails.
if it helps, the solution is to manually add your address (ALL lines filled in), then set it as primary address. the transaction should then go through.
Hi 9race. Official response from Woolworths:
Dear Customers,
On Tuesday 5th February, 2019 Woolworths launched their new gift card website to Cashrewards customers.
During the transition, a small number of customer addresses did not format correctly resulting in some customers not being able to place orders.
We anticipate this issue will be rectified overnight on Wednesday 6th February.
In the interim any customers impacted by this issue can use the following steps to place orders:
1. Log in to your gift card account via Cash Rewards.
2. Click on your name located in the top right hand corner of the page.
3. Select “address details” from the menu.
4. Select “update address” and delete contents.
5. Re-enter your address.
6. Click save. Once saved, this should resolve the formatting issue and you should be able to place an order.If you require further assistance, please contact the Woolworths Gift Card team on 1300 10 1234 (Option 3) From 8am to 8pm Monday - Friday or 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday.
If you need a gift card in the meantime, you can get 5% off using SHOP5 at (terms and conditions here). Supposed to be employees only but it worked for me.
Is it instant delivery like Suncorp?
I haven't used the updated website. On the older gift cards website through CashRewards, it would take about 2 hours from purchase to egift card delivery. Suncorp and RACQ I have noticed are instant.
No issues on my end - try another browser?