Hey guys,
This is a topic I have been very curious about, I do not understand the logic behind this and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts;
I have noticed at theme parks, I feel they intentionally create queues and I can't understand why;
For example, let's say on a rollercoaster, as soon as the queues die down they will often close lanes, slow down the frequency of carts or have less staff on the ride. I understand this may save costs like electricity and staff, but isn't this only a very minor cost compared to the cost of annoying the people at the park?
Additionally, if there is no queue for a ride you have just been on, the ride managers will ask you to get off the ride and go around the whole queue again before you can get back on? Is there a reason for this?
I always feel I am terribly looked after by theme parks, that they don't care about their customers!
What is the logic behind these decisions?
As the cost of the rides are already built into the price. Suspect its all related to maximising staff labour efficiencies. When I was at the water park in the States, we went on the moat ride. We were the only ones as it was like 15degs and the pools weren't heated. 1 staff member followed us around that moat till we got out. So for him to spend time with us, maybe another ride needed to be reduced or not running. IMO No expert here.