So my in laws got a Samsung soundbar about 4 years ago (~$600, hw-h751).
3 months ago I visited and asked why they weren't using it and they didn't realise it wasn't working (TV sound was working and they couldn't tell the difference). I troubleshooted and realised it was dead; turned on but no sound (trust me I tried everything).
I told them to take it back to Harvey Norman where they bought it and ask for a replacement. Instead they called Samsung who told them to take it to a local and authorised repair shop who then said they would charge $70 just to inspect. They then went to Harvey Norman and asked about warranty, got the run around and were convinced that warranty would be too much effort (got told the person who looks after it is not in that day and they'd have to send it off for inspection etc).
Not wanting the trouble, they just bought a Yamaha soundbar on the spot FROM HARVEY NORMAN to replace it. Frustrating but not the issue here.
They told me a few days ago they were going to throw the Samsung in the bin.
I don't live in the same state as them but am going there to visit in a few weeks. I'm considering taking up the slack and trying to get the soundbar fixed under the ACL but wanted a snap poll here first. Would a soundbar be expected to last over 4 years? Warranty was 1 year I think. Is it HN that should be fixing this soundbar?
I feel like 'warranty claims' should have its own category on the forums along with 'car accidents' and 'traffic infringements'.
All jokes aside I would leave it with the laws, their daughter has signed her life away to you.