Why Are Some eBay Items 20x Their Regular Price?

An example Brand New Logitech MX Master 2S Wireless Mouse Graphite $2,305.00.

Is it a case for potential criminal activity, a pricing error or something else?

And that's not the only seller pricing an item like this and it's always the last one.

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  • +3

    Seller do not know that he can do 0 inventory without the need to end the listing and relisting them again? Just need to do a quick setting in eBay.

    • +4

      ebay punishes sellers for running out of inventory, so sellers ramp the price up so people don't buy.

      This way the seller keeps their place in the search results and when stock is back in, they lower the price and start selling.

      • Curious where do you see this info? All I know eBay punish seller for no stock or item not delivered issue only.

        • All I know eBay punish seller for no stock

          correct, as I said about

          ebay punishes sellers for running out of inventory

          So the only way to fix a 'no stock' issue without punishment, is to raise the price to a point people won't buy it at but still saying you have inventory to sell.

          • +2

            @JimmyF: And if someone buys at that excessively high price then the seller buys from elsewhere and sends it to the buyer

          • @JimmyF: I see what you meant now. I thought you meant just simply have 0 inventory is also an issue.

  • +1

    I doubt it illegal, to set price on ebay significantly higher than RRP. In most ebay searches I have done, there will be some sellers selling for very high price, than another selller with identical item selling for a low/good price.

    I think this is a case of the sellers playing the odds a bit. Like with scammers, they might trt a scam on a million people; and 5 people might be suckered into it. Someone wealthy and careless might, just buy the item for 20 times it's usual value. Someone might accidentally click buy now, and go through payment process thinking they can't go back now. Having it show as many already sold, and 1 left, helps marketing the item to potential buyers/suckers .

    • +1

      I'm thinking more along the lines of potential for money laundering

      • +1

        If they want to launder money then they will go to a coin laundry

        • I work in a dodgy area. In that area there are a lot of cash only restaurants, tattoo parlours and even a candy shop that are almost always empty. I suspect these kinds of places are where people go to launder money.

    • Buy it from them, at the high price, then use the ebay 5% price beat.

      • Buy it from them, at the high price, then use the ebay 5% price beat.

        I like your thinking..
        The ebay 5% price beat thing is only for certain ebay retailers There is a list I think (link to list) on original post of ebay 5% price beat deal.
        If this retailer is on there, that would be awesome :)

  • +12

    The product is out of stock and they don't want to lose their rank in the listings by removing it so they set it to a high price until more stock arrives. A very common tactic that's been prevalent for years.

    Also perfectly legal as eBay is a marketplace.

    • Correct. Best answer yet.

  • -5


    A market place, for those that think it's some holy ground blessed by neoliberal economist priests, is just a situation where sellers have something to sell and then they go about rigging the rules in their own favour.

    Adam Smith, the inventor of modern economic theory, was against free markets and believed in the need for tight regulation. He coined the phrase "free hand of the market" while discussing how free markets should never exist because of the economic harm that occurs when they do (that's the rigging the rules in their own favour part).

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