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Brita Marella Cool Jug in Yellow or Green + 6 MAXTRA Filters Special $39.95 Free Shipping


Special Limited Offer

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1 x BRITA Marella Cool Water Filter Jug ( Green or Yellow )

plus 6 MAXTRA Filters

Normally only 4 filters would cost more than $30 so pretty good deal.

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Brita Australia
Brita Australia

closed Comments

  • Aren't these on special all the time at Big W?

    • +1

      Pretty much yeah. 6 filters is good though, that's where they try to stitch you up.

      • Target also often has sales on Brita - eg. 4 filters for 25 bucks etc

  • +1

    I only need the filters… any bargains for the filters only :-)

    • +1

      Probably cheaper to buy this and have a spare jug.

      • Lol I've got so many spares

  • how long does the filters last?

    • 2 months, there is an indicator on the jug.

  • I tend to use this filter for 2-3 times longer than the recommended period.. find that the filtration and taste of the water remains grossly the same anyway.. but that is my take. There are guides out there to supposedly DIY replace and reuse the filter components out there (using activated charcoal) at a fraction of cost.

    great deal thanks op

  • thanks OP, great deal for me, just purchased one!

  • My browser is saying the site certificate is not safe any one else having the same probs and is it safe ???

    • +1

      Mine says "Verified by GeoTrust Inc." I'd say you caught it at a bad moment, since occasionally even Gmail and other definitely trustworthy sites say that they're not verified for me, but reloading them a little bit later and they get verified.

  • Thanks, purchased a yellow one. No issues with SSL certificate on latest build of Firefox 4.0.

    The jug is also BPA-free even though it isn't specifically mentioned on the page (see here http://www.brita.com.au/help/faqs-jugs_and_cask). My favourite FAQ: "My child broke the Filter Cartridge with a hammer and ate some of the contents … is this dangerous?"

  • Nice. Thanks again OzBargainers.

  • Great, I was trying to get these from BigW online but they were out of stock. Thanks.

  • k-mart is selling $22 for 2 filters, so this is a very gd deal… i bought one as well !!

  • +1

    Has anyone got this delivered yet? If so, what is the expiry date on the filters? Thanks.

    • Not sure if there's an expiry date on the filters. You get around 8 weeks once you start using it, but I normally let it go a bit longer. Surely the time's not the key, but easiest. There are models with actual sensors, but they are more expensive.

      • Expiry on the plastic cover / says 2014 for the 5 extra filter and the filter that includes with the jug shows 2012 or 2013 (i think)

  • FYI This offer is no longer available now.

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